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Yeah, man, I'm almost by I'm just driving through the neighborhood Um, I just need to go through this street real fast and then like oh What the fuck oh Dude, my bad. I'll call you back appeared that somebody was like lying on the road the fuck
Oh, yeah, you're all good bro. I mean, fuck, if he was lying on the road, that's his problem. He's one with the road now. He's fucking, he's in that road. He's a part of the road. Just like all those other dead animals.
Maybe that's the best way to fix the potholes nowadays just put some dumb-ass fucking Want to grab attention Kids and just sit them right out of the pothole and just let them Turn into mush Fix the road that way
Nah but on some real shit though, he ain't never lie though, we all be like that in the rain. I be taking slow ass walks to get home man, cause the rain be peaceful, there ain't be no traveling ass outside.