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Consciousness 593d
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Consciousness 592d
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Girl, you're actually, like, gorgeous, what the fuck?
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Oh, thanks, babe. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I actually don't know what the fuck I'm doing on here or how to work anything, actually. I feel like such an odess man trying to work a cell phone for the first time, so that's great. But thanks, babe. You are too.
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Gads, your tongue's actually horrible. It's like you got two tongues, like one's attached onto the other. Did you have surgery on your tongue and get a longer tongue or some shit? Did you naturally have a small tongue? Like, what is wrong with your tongue?
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There's nothing wrong with my tongue, you dipshit. I actually find it funny that you took some of your time to write me a little paragraph explaining how my tongue is literally bothering you. Bless your heart. And yet your name is consciousness. I mean that might explain why your life is going the way it's going because you're using your consciousness to entertain bullshit so therefore that's what you can attract in your life so bless your heart.
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I didn't write all that. I legit just touched my thumb on the bit and talk and it's my voice that comes out. Like, did you not hear my voice?
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But on you go a typical female you go and think every man is in your delusional world where they all Are obsessed with you
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I beg to differ. Clearly you are obsessed with me, sweetie, because you're still here running your fat-ass fucking mouth about something that I personally do not care for.
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See, typical weird men like you have a deep knowing that beautiful majestic women like me would never give you the time of day, therefore you're quite clever. So of course you would come at something outrageous to get some type of attention because you are just so lonely that you don't care what type of attention you get, bad or good at least you're getting some. Such a sad life to live, but bless your heart.
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Typical delusional woman. Bitch, I don't want your attention for a start. And yes, I am very clever. Extremely clever. Clever enough to know that you're the lonely one because you're the one seeking out attention on here with your... self. And obviously no self-respecting man would have any woman like you flaunting themselves out online. So you are the lonely one. My girlfriends just came back from Spain. I get to see her tomorrow. Where's your partner?
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I'm sorry to break it down to you sweetheart, but this is most definitely your way of seeking attention. You may not know that consciously. Get it? Because your name is Consciousness and you have like none, but you wouldn't know that consciously, but subconsciously this is your way and it's okay. You don't have to create the whole story about your girlfriend. I really do not. I truly do not give a fuck. Okay. I just, I would like if you would stop like commenting weird stuff on other people's accounts and then like starting a whole.
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This is truly comedy for me and yet you're taking this like this is your 9 to 5. Oh bless your heart. You remind me of like insecure men that has nothing else going for themselves so they hop online and they bash women to make themselves feel superior. Oh my gosh I love women running into men like you because it's truly sad to see that they still exist.
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The fact that your name is Consciousness, but it's like, do you really, I'm over here. Do you really think that your consciousness is leading you and guiding you in ways that are helpful because this
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Listen, I truly do not know what you want from me, but I'm going to make an educated guess and say that you would like some advice. And at least I'm good at giving that. So here it is. That's all you had to ask for. If I were you, I would take a couple days to cater to my consciousness because it just seems to me that you suppress a lot of anger and sadness and then you tend to lash it out on innocent people. And man, that's not cool. Okay, you're a grown ass fucking man, probably pushing 30. Let's take accountability. Okay. Another thing is it's like you're contradicting yourself with your name. So let's get
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Oh, there's no way I'm listening to all that. Like, for real. As much as you think I want your attention, I don't. And if I was consciously seeking out your attention, well, I consciously seeked it out, didn't I? Luke!
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