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Eternal β€’ 292d
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Gabrielle β€’ 291d
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Like, the same fucking issue applies to white people though. I mean, like, not to play the victim here, like, realistically, I'm thinking, do they think I'm gonna be racist? Like, you know how many bad stereotypes just revolve around white people? Specifically, cis white guys. Like, I could be racist, I could be a fascist, I could be a 4chan user, like, come on man. Like, you think being ignorant is bad? Holy shit. We're both in a shitty circle here, Jesus Christ. The system hates us.
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You know what, so the guy that said like it's hard being a cis white guy, you were so right, like being a cis straight white guy must suck. And I feel like the people who have it hardest is like trans, black, gay women who are also disabled and autistic. I feel like they have it the worst, cause literally they're like the most minority, minority? I guess what you mean? But I feel like the easiest is being a cis straight white guy.
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And let me explain why being a cis, straight, white girl is probably the easiest. There's like literally no reason. Like, I feel like people always give a pass to cis, white women, you know? From what I've noticed. Like, I have friends of color who are also cis females. But people are so hard on them for not being, like, white, pretty much. And then here I am, like, having it easy. And I feel bad for them. Really, I really do.
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But yeah, I feel like minorities just have it so unfair. Just like really just any race, like Asian people, Latinas, Mexicans, pretty much black people, like anybody. Like they all have it hard. And then like white people most of the time, they have it easy. But it also sucks just people assuming we're racist just because we're white. Like, no.
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