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Victoria Amanda
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Victoria Amanda
Victoria Amanda
Natalia Lavaggi
Natalia Lavaggi
Natalia Lavaggi
Natalia Lavaggi
Natalia Lavaggi
Natalia Lavaggi
Victoria Amanda
Natalia Lavaggi
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So, I want to hear people's thoughts on how they feel about the concepts of heaven and hell and how exactly they feel that one can live a life if they believe in the concepts of heaven and hell but can one live a life in pursuit of heaven and if they do live a life in pursuit of heaven what gives them that faith and that instinctive desire to keep pushing for the pursuit of heaven itself. I know this question is a bit all over the place, but I just want to hear people's perspective, maybe someone that isn't practicing a religion, someone that's Christian, someone that's atheist. If you don't believe in the concept of heaven and hell, how exactly do you feel you can provide someone of a benefit to this world that we live in? Because if you feel that you can only provide a benefit for yourself, then I'm not going to lie, you're not necessarily the best of people. So I just want to hear people's ideas on the pursuit of heaven or the pursuit of hell.
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I honestly think heaven and hell is stupid. Like if your god really loves you that much, why the fuck would he send you to hell to suffer for eternity? Like he loves you even if you were bad. I would not do that. at Lake.
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If my wife were to do something bad, right? And I tortured her because she did something bad, but I love her, I still love her. Do I love her? No, I know, no. So that's the same way I think about God.
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Quickly the Christian God, um, because if you really love us, then why the fuck are you sending us to hell? To suffer for eternity? It just don't make sense. Don't make sense. No? Bye-bye.
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So that's just my personal perspective and it's like what a lot of people believe when they have faith in God Like God doesn't send you to hell because that's not his purpose for his children, but when you reject him when you reject him it's a choice that you make.
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I've personally have had encounters with demonic entities and demons themselves who attack me so I know that there is a heaven realm and that there is a helm realm and that's why God will send messengers to show you that there is a way of light
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And ultimately the purest form of love let you choose whether you want to follow God or you don't want to follow God and so because for me what I see is when you do decide not to follow him it's not about going to hell but being separate from that love
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And it's unfortunate that a lot of people from church just preach about fire and brimstone, but hell truly is being separate from all things good, all things love, all things beautiful, Hell is eternal torment out of choice.
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And I'm in no way saying this to condemn you or anything like that, but just because of my own personal experience coming from a place where I didn't believe in hell, until I was literally physically attacked by demons. Did I realize it was because of the choices I was making?
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And so when Jesus and God has presented himself to you and you reject him and you decide not to follow him for your own reasons like he can't force you into that relationship because ultimately that's what I believe as a follower of Christ is that he died for us and rose so that we would have a relationship with him not so that we could just follow doctrine and religion and so when you make that choice to reject him that is the choice that we have the freedom to Make
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I don't believe in the Imanic entities. I've heard them and that wasn't really fun. But I don't believe in hell. I believe hell is kind of like a realm like earth where you eventually die. If you die on earth and you have a low vibration, you go to hell and then eventually you die in hell and you come back. different from the Bible, from what people think in the Bible.
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Totally respect your opinion I also didn't believe in any of that until I myself like I said had personal experiences with demons attacking me to the point where it was affecting my life and also that of my families it wasn't until I cried out to God that I realize that I couldn't deny that there were demons because it was affecting my health was affecting my household it was affecting everything so when I didn't believe I never had an encounter but until I had that encounter I
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