Jana You're probably not gonna like what I say but I spice isn't really all that for real she's good like she could she got bar sometimes but like all this Raven accessory it's just I don't feel like it's needed or I don't know I just don't think she deserves all the hype like she's good like she was saying like I love a spy spy don't think the way I like displaying her uplifting her and everything is just too much like yeah Nikki gave her like a little leeway but you guys are just acting like she's just boom update I love Beyoncé her and I think Beyoncé it's overrated too so you should get what I'm talking about but yeah I just wanna vent and see you like do you think I spice is a little overrated do you think like people are doing a little too much when it comes to her like, job pinions let me know