Grandi Prifti Why do you think artificial sweeteners dont cause dental caries but are making scientists think they cause cancer? Answer in the first commentFollow01ShareCopy link to post
Grandi Prifti Dental Fact:Why smoking is bad for your teeth? The butt of the cigarette produces heat which hits directly the frontal teeth and causes gum recession.Plus causes dryness of the mouth and caries begins
Grandi Prifti Dental Fact:Why some people have more black stains? Apart from consuming coloured foods, main reason is that they have chromogenic bacteria in their saliva, bacteria that transform food in stain.
Grandi Prifti Dental Fact: If you want to whiten your teeth, once a day put a string of dental floss in a cup filled with hydrogen peroxide for about 30 seconds and then floss your teeth. You’ll see the difference.
Grandi Prifti Does it ever cross your mind to kiss your mum everyday because it might me the last time you see each other...
Grandi Prifti #AppleMaps is worse than #Google maps. As a tourist when you use the apple product you can get lost...