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So guys what is the latest song that has been stuck in your head lately I don't know but for me lately in my rotation is is stay with me again by Sam Smith so won't you stay with me because you're 09E Do you say screw to see me I am a stop
Hey bud this is one song he going on like who been on your mind who got your time who you been Vibin with like why can't make you mine you should be calling me check me call me a slime Nice email again with his anodyne like Eagle road that song is stuck in my head bro like I can't I can't keep saying I can't he's crazy crazy razee oh
Oh yeah I know what you do about me and personally I'm not a big fan of slow songs so I wasn't able to get into it like that but it's a good song good choice
Dude, who the- who the heck even is you, bruh? And no, I ain't know the song. If he put the song name, that would've been helpful. But I'm just going off lyrics, so I guess- I was guessing he was saying like another song. So get off my ass. Loser.
I don't know the name, but I do know a part of it, which is... Don't you notice how I get quieter when there's no one else around? Me and you enough together, don't you dare look at me that way! That's all I know.
I don't know she sounds her music sounds kind of vintage which I mean you know people like that stuff but I'm not the biggest fan to be honest but Is very interesting and people who are unique unique taste so I'm not gonna judge that
Don't like that type of music is that song has just been all over my freaking for you page I got a deal with that. She like I'd be like I'll be seeing that 24 7 because it's all over my for you page, and I can't get it on my head Like it's a stupid song. I know but like damn I Don't like her
Jocelyn, I ain't hatin' on nothin', but you obviously know the song name. If you just wanted to fess up the fuckin' song, you coulda just done it. Like, what the fuck, mate?
If I knew the song name, I would've told y'all the song name, but I don't, so I don't know what makes you think that I do know the song name, but whatever.
She said up on the road oh my God Gucci smile I'm the Coochie man that song you don't know me I'm the Coochie Man I think it's literally just called Gucci Mane even though I hate that song
I know exactly what you're talking about that song is so catchy like when I first came on TikTok it was all over my for you page are you support that shit all the time
Mine personally is I got this by NBA YoungBoy the song is really good and released to so he can relate to so many people if you just give it a try like I'm gonna be YoungBoy fan but this song is just hits different for me it's honestly just a banger if you like honestly if you like one like some chill shit and I was like some shit I can relate to life and lied to you I just I got this by NBA YoungBoy like that song just hits
All right so the song is no Time to die by Billie Eilish Eilish and I'm gonna attempt to sing the part was it Xavier is still have a body oh that helpful with 40 love you mother fuck oh psi fuck
OK I see you with some good ass vocals you should teach me what time 00 Billie Eilish fan I like her one song when the party's over I fell in love with that song but all her other songs I just haven't haven't talk to me