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Good evening, stereo peeps. I hope you're well. Moon here. As I saw this video, I thought to myself, where's the lie? How is it an entry level job when the employer requires a resume? And why are so many people saying that, oh, everywhere is hiring, and there's enough money to pay everybody? Well, cashiering shouldn't require a degree, and it shouldn't require someone to have so many years of experience, considering cashiering is probably one of the easiest jobs I have ever done in my life. And as someone who has been out of the workforce for quite so many years at this point, it has been frustrating for me to apply to every job, even entry level jobs, where they require a resume. I am beside myself a little bit, because I'm like, well, what do you want me to put down on this resume, considering I haven't worked in many years, you know, and it's an entry level job. So I don't know, I saw this, and I thought I'd share it, because maybe there's someone else out there that's feeling the frustration as well. Shout out to all of us working folks out there, and shout out to all of us who are looking for a job as well. I hope you can find what you're looking for. I know I will. In fact, I had an interview recently, and it went super well. So fingers crossed I get the job. Comment below. What do you think about the video?
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Hey man I definitely agree with you 100% on this not only that but they are taking away the cashier jobs from a lot of people and there are putting South cash out so you know it's crazy you know
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So I definitely agree with you 100% preacher girl preacher
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I really hope that with all of this AI development considering that the government is taking jobs away from people even though these may not be like government jobs per se that they have a plan for how they're going to help people make ends meet in their home and it better not be anything sinister you know what I mean
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Like, I think it's important to have technology in society to some degree, but when technology starts to take over mankind, and even in the way of people losing their jobs, because technology has taken their spot, that's a problem for me. People have to live and work in order to make ends meet and thrive.
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I've seen in real time what you are talking about and it's sad to me that you're seeing it too. These self-checkout, you know, AI-empowered machines that are literally taking jobs from people. Yeah, where I live there's only like one or two open cash registers that have human interaction and yeah.
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I've been tempted to apply to a cash cashier job you know even though it's temporary right but I see all this AI tech just rapidly taking over I actually know someone that got a cashier job and they ended up letting her go like a year later because they're like well you know we don't really have room for you here so
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The company that she was working for and the location, they were overstaffed according to her boss, you know, because they had enough people on the floor, like straightening things out and putting merchandise out on the floor and cleaning up and all of that. And because she was just hired to be a cashier, she wasn't hired to really leave her post, right? And then AI took over.
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So, it's just, it's bonkers to me that, I don't know, like, I'm like, these creators for AI tech, did they intend for AI to, like, practically take over? And take jobs away from humans? Even in factories, like, a lot of the factories these days are automated. It's insane. It's pretty devastating.
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Now, I don't want people thinking that I am anti-technology. I am not. I think there's a lot of amazing technological advancements that I didn't see when I was growing up, right? And I think in a lot of ways, like it's needed, you know, especially in medicine and things like that. But I'm just, I'm concerned for humans and being able to provide for themselves.
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