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Yo, so I'm chillin' in bed with my kitten, right? Like, my actual kitten, bro. Like, I love this thing, bro. I'm completely fine with Australian people. I love them. I just do not like British people. Cause I am Irish.
Man, I don't know bruh, just Irish people hate British people and I just liked it. Also, I mean, I'm from Dublin, and if you're from anywhere else in Ireland, except for Dublin, fuck you, for real. I'm not talking to you, I'm just saying. People.
Please, get off of this damn app, and please, get some sleep. You know what? I really wish that I had replied to this when it was Wednesday, because if I... Oh my gosh, you are using stereo. You know what? Why don't you kill yourself? Kill yourself. Die for us. Kill yourself. K-Y-S. Kill yourself. Do it. Jump off a plane.