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Preston 302d
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Mrs Glass
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Cass-E KFlames
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Mrs Glass
Sunshine 302d
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Mrs Glass
LilCarthon 302d
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Mrs Glass
MxlPlx 301d
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Mrs Glass
Mrs Glass
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
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Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Mrs Glass
Mrs Glass 302d
Mrs Glass
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Mrs Glass
Mrs Glass
Mrs Glass
Mrs Glass
Mrs Glass 302d
Mrs Glass
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Mrs Glass
Mrs Glass
Preston 302d
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Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
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Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Eclipse ꨄ𖣔𖣔N
Mrs Glass
Mrs Glass
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Hey, y'all. So, I'm very late to the party with this one. I saw this earlier just today in a group. They were saying, only I saw the screenshot, of them saying that the DFW airport lady actually sees something. Now, for me, usually when people say, you can believe me or not, I don't care, I know I see something or I saw something, that's usually going to be a sign that someone is a whole red flag, they're telling the truth and something fucky is going on there. There are people, though, that are saying it's possible she might just have some mental things going on and was freaked out to begin with. Planes are pretty fucking scary for most people. There are people saying that she could have just taken way too many of whatever prescription medication she may have needed to get on the flight. I know some people can take Xanax, Valium, just to help them stay calm during the flight. I don't know. I don't get lady is OD'd on something and now she's hallucinating. I don't get that from her. I don't get mentally unstable from her. It's just, she's panicking and I get you can hear panic in someone's voice and there ain't nothing to panic about. But no, I've been here before and I know that panic and I just really deeply feel she saw something. Now, who she saw, I don't know. Obviously, this video is not that long. I am trying my best to uncover as much as I possibly can as far as theories and what other people felt on that plane. I heard someone try to even tell her bye on her way out. So I think the scariest thing for me is no one turned around to look. No one actually took her serious enough to look and see like no one was really worried about it. So that's a little, you know, it's a little weird for me that if someone's screaming like that, you let me off right now, I see something. Yeah, no. What do y'all think? Did she actually see something? Did she actually see a person that she knew that wasn't real? Yeah, I'm very anxious to hear what y'all have to say about this.
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I don't know but she she's seeing things and I'm wondering what she's seeing because that would have threw me off the whole plane ride wondering what the fuck she was talking about for real
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RIGHT!? Also it's been days and she still has not been located nor have we heard from her.....we all know how fast Twitter and tik tok works when it comes to finding people... And one guy has been IDd but idk how credible the figure is...but if the man in the green hoodie is who she truly saw I'm with her. Something ain't right about tdudes whole face
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That's scary, Mrs. Glass, she just disappeared like that? She's all over the social media right now. This is like hot press news. Are they even covering this on mainstream news like NBC or anything like that? But for her to disappear like that, right out the blue, something fishy is going on. Either she's an actress or something really happened and you know, hmm, I hope she's okay.
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Drugs. That's all I gotta say.
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It's highly possible that there were drugs involved. Like, I'm never gonna shoot that down. Um, I don't know. I feel like if something's already going on, the drugs can probably make you more vulnerable to seeing shit. Or she really could have just fabricated it all because she didn't take too many damn drugs. We probably won't actually know the real truth.
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Anything is possible Anything I probably would attacked but I also grabbed then that kind of household not everybody goes up in that household and plenty of people are just realistic but they don't necessarily count that as well as a possibility is that people can see things or people or's parents or whatever the case maybe you know so I feel you
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Exactly! It's easy to discount when anything like that is brought up if the person is someone who wasn't raised around it or never been through anything off themselves. Two things can be true. This can def be someone who took drugs or may have something else going on but also be someone who saw something that shouldn't have existed
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Bro, if she see something on the plane, why did she get on the plane? If I was on that damn plane in her predicament, I would have got my bag I would have got everything off that motherfucking plane. I've been running out that hole I don't care what the flight attendant said
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That's the thing she didn't see anything weird til they got to their seats. The flight attendants attempted to subdue her and she did sit back down but then just got too freaked out and got up again. That's the thing thatakes it real for me: home girl did not care about her luggage she was running for her actual life
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What did she see? An empty seat in first class that she wanted. That’s what she saw.
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Lol I mean that's not the best path to go for it if so
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You think these Karens care about “the best path”? Neither do I - I’d say I saw JFK hunching a Yeti in the back row if it meant I get a first class seat!
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I mean, you're not going to get a first class seat because you'd claim the passenger sitting next to you isn't real, you know? I don't think this is a Karen, honestly. I really don't. I've seen quite my share of them and dealt with them. I don't think that was a Karen type situation, but I can see how it can come off as one though.
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Her whole body language, the fact that she has her eyes wide open and 100% fixated on exactly whatever the fuck is in front of her that she had an issue with before she made her way down the aisle. Her body language, she's she's practically hyperventilating, she's scared as fuck, like I think this woman genuinely saw something that freaked her the fuck out, whether that is mental illness or not.
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And with everything going on in the world with, you know, the government releasing shit about, you know, parallel dimensions and aliens and all that bullshit, right? It would not shock me one bit that she saw something and she's not under the influence of any kind and she doesn't have a mental illness. I mean, it wouldn't shock me. But do I have proof? No. Am I saying that it's 100% that she genuinely saw something? No.
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Did you see the part where she literally catches her breath, like completely ran out of breath, like had to do one of those? That was- that's real fucking anxiety and terror from what you fucking see. And the fact that she's not wasting time and trying to convince a soul, she just wants out of there. That's not a Karen, that's not someone faking it, that's none of those things. It kills me people are just blind and dumb when they see this type of thing.
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So I've been finding more videos and One of the guys that was sitting near her Before she did all of this actually spoke up funny thing is this video got scrubbed and the only kind the only person that still has it are Only people that still have her people that caught it before she either deleted it or got taken down or whatever So take it with a grain of salt. I'm not really sure I'm still looking into it. So
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Um, there was a guy that was sitting, I think, to the left, but he was still seeing a full view of her. He said there was indeed a dude that was sitting back there with her, and he said he was calling him Hoodie Guy. It was a black dude in a hoodie. He said that the whole entire time, the lady had actually been talking to him, but she started panicking, and she realized that the guy wasn't actually verbalizing anything. And he said he remembered that they were actually locking eyes. Like, dude was looking at her, she was looking at him, and the words weren't coming out of the guy's mouth, but he was still communicating somehow.
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And it was freaking her the fuck out. Guy said that he's watching all of this go down. He's not actually, I guess, paying too close attention. He said, though, however, is that she was not swarming. She wasn't acting drunk. She wasn't acting crazy. Nothing. She was normal up until that moment that it starts, cameras start rolling when they catch her running up to the front. So they said that, however, when she runs up to the front, you see that the...
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You see that the flight attendant comes over to him and it's like sir, what happened? What was the problem? He said that The guy didn't even talk. He just kind of shrugged a little bit and the lady just leaves something else happens We're not quite on but he said at one point He sees a guy looking around the plane and not in a typical damn That was crazy type look he's just looking around like in this it sucks the way he's looking around the plane So he turns around looks like him they walk eyes and he weeps at him
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The wink that was given to the dude, he said it did not open and shut the way an eye normally blinks. He said the eye went sideways, like a, I guess, picture of an eye that was flipped. The eye sideways blinked. And that was it. Um, also, up to this moment, people are saying she is not spoken up, no one can find her, it's like she just went missing. So yeah, I don't fucking know what to make out of it.
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There's also one video that I want to say that I'm personally gonna discount It's what I do that's basically trying to make her seem what she was being a Karen saying that oh she claimed that a black man stole her her left air pod or something like that and she was Having issues with the black dude and that's really what the guy tried to make it seem like it was about But we all know how those people actually behave not once did she say anything About this man stealing from her about her thinking he stole from her
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Like she mentions nothing all she is just terrified. She wants to get the fuck away and wants to get the fuck off She doesn't want anything bad to happen to him She doesn't she's not saying you guys just go back there and check him you guys need to get him off the plane She's not saying anything In the way a normal crazy, whatever Karen white lady that wants to start some shit. She's not acting in that way So I feel like that person was more telling on themselves and that's not anything because they weren't even a person on the plane themselves It's just they're uncertain how what they think happened
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Um, I think there may be a few other people that are on the plane, but all they did they're not bringing anything new They're just saying that yeah, she was acting crazy after he claimed that person wasn't real Um, but anything that could have proven that she really did see some shit has been taken down People said they saw it and everything but then it's gotten taken down. So yeah I don't know if there's gonna be a situation that no one's actually ever gonna find out if something was there or not
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But I'm telling you, and I'm telling you right now, that that little book in the back is not real.
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That sounds exactly like the girl in the video lol
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What I find really strange about this particular story is the fact that no one in this woman's life has come forward, co-workers, friends, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, girlfriends, whatever the case might be, a neighbor, somebody, right? Nobody has come forward and has said anything about this woman, what was going on the day of her death.
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Considering the international press this woman has gotten, right, no one in her life has spoken out, nobody. No one else on the plane has spoken about this. I haven't heard it. So unless I'm missing something, which could be possible. So if she has, or someone else spoken out about this, point me in that direction, but it is sus.
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it is highly suspicious to me that considering how well-known social media is throughout the entire world even in countries where it's technically banned they still have access there so the fact that nobody across the world has said shit about this even leading up to her getting on the plane even when she got off the plane nobody's spoken up that's weird
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Thank you, that right there. Ain't no way this lady don't got a man, a girlfriend, a mama, a daddy, fucking friends, aunt, uncle, cousins, co-workers, nobody. I mean, I'm assuming that the lady has a job because how the hell she afford that fucking flight? And she look well-kept, her clothes didn't look like stupid cheap, you know, you got a job, apparently. So, even if she has no live friends or family who are willing to vouch for her, either way.
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Because a lot of people want to really just discredit her. And I'm like, see, this is where we need someone from her life to actually speak up and be like, yeah, no, she drinks all the time. She drugs all the time. This is why. Or she's been taking medication for a mental health crisis or whatever. This is why. Or no, she's not any of those things. If she 100 percent saw something, she came home and told us about it. Yeah, no, we don't hear shit. Not even people from the plane. It's like two fucking passengers spoke up with opposing stories on my dad.
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