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I'm not trying to be mean, but, like, why does it look swollen? Like, ma'am, are you okay? Did you get stung by a bee? I'm very concerned for your safety and my safety. Did you get a BBL? Like, is that why it looks like that or something?
Do not post this shit on Instagram. This shit look like you fucking took the peach emoji itself from your motherfucking phone somehow and connected it to your ass and painted your skin color. But the shit is like... You should've wore jeans or something. This shit... It look like a fucking mess, baby. You should've went to the doctor by now.
Why do it look like that? That ain't no BBL, that's a CBL. Like, what is that? It looks like it's about to burst. Better watch out for that water, bro. That, that is just not, it's not, what is that? No.