Lillian Sama Watch your thoughts they ultimately shape your experiences.Are you living your life on purpose? We can accumulate so many tools yet until we create that shift in the mind nothing will stick. We have tFollow10ShareCopy link to post
Lillian Sama This felt fitting for this Full Moon in Pisces as well as Mercury Retrograde and all the other planets that are doing the moon walk right now😭Cleansing and protecting my energy is a daily ting for me.
Lillian Sama Don’t try this with the full moon.Best when the moon is growing...I like those rituals that can be easily integratedInto everyday life.The best kind of magic is the kind you make your own.
Lillian Sama The energy you keepCan prevent you from receivingThe blessings you seek“Not everyone bas access to me, Because I need peace more than attention”FUll Moon Vibes2| I’m hosting a Manifestation Masterclas
Lillian Sama I want to see you I want to see you being all you came here to be I want to see you comparing less and appreciating YOU more I want to see you unbothered by public opinionsI want to see you sharing th
Lillian Sama It's not the time to fear.Often times retrogrades are feared as something bad.Venus retrograding in Leo is giving us the time slow down.The time to Slow down and get your empire right.The time to slow
Lillian Sama Manifestation Hack Top🔝〽️⚠️Sometimes you tripSometimes you fall.Yet instead of falling backwards you’re actually falling forward.Falling towards the success, your manifestations, your goals.Transforma
Lillian Sama I’ve been practicing this quickQigong practice barefoot, outside and it makes me feel so euphoric and light.An easy way to cleanse your energy for the day:1.) When shaking your focus is on letting the
Lillian Sama Breathe baby BREATHE Breathwork is one of my favorite medicines. You ever see someone get angry when you try to tell them to breathe when they’re clearly experiencing an aggravating situation?
Lillian Sama Piling “busy work” on your schedule doesn’t equate to being productive.You can do all of the physical actions, get tied up in the hustle culture, you’ll be going nowhere fast without mastering your en
Lillian Sama May you find the courage to truly heal from the things you don’t talk about.May you receive the love and tenderness that will embrace your gentle soul.
Lillian Sama I used to do this all the time.I used to write poetry every since roses are red violets are blue.My English teacher in high school believed in me so much that he would take me to poetry slams around C
Lillian Sama Indulge in yourself today. You aren’t for everyone and that’s ok. Shine your light so the ones who can benefit from your gift will find you. 🕯️🧿🪬#lovespells
Lillian Sama Where did this come from? The concept of playing small? Someone told you weren’t good enough or you were too much and you believed them? Someone said you were too weird or too woo woo because you woul
Lillian Sama A prayer to say before bed to stay in alignment with your purpose. Speak to your spiritual squad daily. No matter what you do, keep going. “Show me the way to healing my deepest wounds with ease and g
Lillian Sama Imagine if AUTHENTICITY was a currency... how rich would you be?I want to see a trend of more people unapologetically being themselves. Not trying to emulate anyone else. Not trying to bite anyone’s s
Lillian Sama Where did this come from? The concept of playing small? Someone told you weren’t good enough or you were too much and you believed them? Someone said you were too weird or too woo woo because you woul