So Mogadot talks about three inevitable when it comes to artificial intelligence in his book scary smart And those three inevitable are one Artificial intelligence is here. It's happening. You know no matter what? to artificial intelligence is Going to get significantly smarter than us. In fact, it's already smarter than most humans alive I would argue with GBT for and three bad things will happen. Let's focus a little bit on number three. We're interesting in his latest interview with Peter Diamantis. He says some pretty scary stuff. For example, he says that there is going to be a disaster to jobs, right? Artificial intelligence is going to disrupt the job economy like nothing has ever come before. This is not the same as the Industrial Revolution where People say oh yeah it's gonna create more jobs and stuff. No no AI is rapidly is is progressing so fast that it's massively outpacing any Potential jobs that could be created in its wake And those jobs only further take away more jobs, right? In fact, he says the very fabric of our society is going to be undone And within the next two years is which is exactly what I've been saying. What do you guys think about this? Do you agree or disagree? Well, what do you guys think about the next five years because I'm telling you the next five years? I would be very surprised if You know We're still having conversations like this and we're not you know already having brain-to-computer interfaces We're uploading to the matrix. There's flying cars all kind of stuff. So yeah, let me know what you guys think I'm saying it's too fast like Moe or you think they're gonna move slower.