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Um, I'd say like, like mid-20s because you know you still want to live like out your like young years But also don't want to be 50 with a 10 year old child. So So, may 20s.
Because like if you have a child from then like you still be living like if you have a child at like 40 you gonna be dead by the time your child finishes like high like middle school or something like that's crazy so I advise you to have a child do those ages you know I'm not even supposed to be talking cuz I'm like I'm not I don't even have a driver's license but I'm just saying like It's the best time for a child. know what I'm saying.
Wait, does that make you miserable when you're a child? Just asking, because if you were a child once in your life, were you miserable when you were a child? Were you miserable?