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Alphonso K 623d
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OK as I just got my smoothie I was just in a pie bars having technical difficulties but I figured I just come on here and just ask questions we can get the day started Yaz Bronson sunny have you guys ever seen anything supernatural I've been having these conversations with people who are religious we generally have the strong motherfucking believes who are strong against in a post my beliefs and I'm just like you guys you know you drive this whole entire big wild in this believe for something that you haven't I haven't really seen anything supernatural or anything generally that is Crossworlds multi don't dimensional none of that like but let me get into specifics usually stories about like To rain or something like that I never seen people walk on water people get suave by fish breath turn into water turn into one like water and wine that's not easy but they gave me like some actual lecture it's coming down
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Nobody give a fuck what we're doing ***** nobody ask why you turn us? What the fuck?
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Myself like I can stay up like three whole fucking days without any sleep and still be functional like right now do you think I'm functional right now thanks to vodka drink vodka every fucking day
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There really is no truly is really amazing my friend also want to say that you know what kind of falls in line under David Blaine type of supernatural so anything that could be David Blaine is like staying up for three days I'm not really I'm not really a palled or surprised about it I kind of wanna see like an actual miracle like pigs demons jump into pigs in BC and a demon or angel war
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Definitely have when we were going to buy a new house it was in the basement we're trying to open the door but the door wouldn't open I was trying to close so you obviously didn't want us down there it was really creepy but yeah we did not buy the house by the way
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Yeah I definitely feel you on that one I bet I have my fair share of being in creepy places also and places that were dark and places by myself and actually walked into these places and meditated in these places and just like hope to see even a ghost or some thing but I don't know maybe I should go to like a plantation sign that's a dark joke but my thing is like for real for real I just haven't seen anything supernatural to the room
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My mom she's dead now
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So when I was a young girl, I was just watching TV and heard this loud bang and I looked in my backyard door and I just saw this hamper. I looked at my whole door, went foggy, it was pretty funny at the time, the whole door went foggy and I could only see this person's hamper. So I went to my mom and told her and she asked my neighbor because my neighbor was a police. They had cameras all along their house and one went in her backyard. She got to my mom and said she saw nothing. I swear I saw something in my mind just that I was crazy. I saw something in a week.
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I was boning my girlfriend one day and the power went out so I had to quit and I went outside naked and I went back porch and I went to turn on the generator and when I went back inside I saw the blanket shuffle around and I got my shotgun and I was like who's there and then the blankets uncovered and I saw a big foot and he was boning my girlfriend
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My dick but this is supernatural for real
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That depends on what you mean by supernatural because here's the thing right when we to say supernatural they can be two meanings this one's something that supersedes a current understanding of nature or to something that is against our common norms so most people have experience something supernatural when it comes to the norms something that is not natural in their society but in terms of supernatural in it like a spiritual sense that's another day
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And I have had both sides of the coin after seeing supernatural things and sense of the culture I live in like things that are not natural to where I live in terms of social norms and I have seen things that are super natural spiritually like I've had sleep paralysis and stuff like that if you want to say that's not supernatural that's another discussion but me personally experience it was more of a supernatural event because when I
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There was this one time me and my friends were sneaking out and it was super dark outside and we were like looking around and stuff like that and like I look at it we're like in the middle of nowhere but I'm looking at some thing and this is big like transformer looking bitch like when I tell you that my heart is never dropped out of my pussy hole so quickly like I was terrified and in the daylight it turns out that it was just a crane so maybe it's not supernatural but it definitely gave me a supernatural scare the fuck
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When I left the house and where I used to get sleep paralysis from I never got it again and it said it was the house but I was not the people live in the house cause I live with those people for my whole life my brothers my sisters and my mom so it's not them wasn't what I was going through I had a pretty simple easy normal life but when we move from the house I never sleep paralysis again so I know it was the object of the house so yeah in Canada supernatural before in essence
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