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Sancho S 360d
Sancho S
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Sancho S 360d
Sancho S
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Sancho S 360d
Sancho S
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Sancho S 360d
Sancho S
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Sancho S 360d
Sancho S
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Sancho S
Sancho S
Sancho S 360d
Sancho S
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Sancho S 360d
Sancho S
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Y'all know that song, slow down, I just want to get to know you well. That can totally be applied to the topic I'm about to discuss. AI. I've been keeping up with AI news because it is so fascinating where our fucking collective is moving towards and what we're doing right now, like what, what, what? It's incredible. But I like to learn about all sides of the situation, your feel or may, and a lot of the people that were heavily in the AI industry since its infancy stages are coming forward and saying, hey, skirt, we need to pause and we need to think and we need to evaluate the situation. Why? The same thing of slow down, I just want to get to know you. We want to get to know AI because we don't know AI. AI evolves at such an unpredictable rate that we have no idea. No idea what it's capable of. We're still learning it. I watched a video a few days ago of a beautiful summary on AI and the test models that were ran through AI machines and the outcomes of it. And it's mind boggling, you guys. AI, when given a task, they found out without it being programmed to do it, will deceive to accomplish said task. Yeah. and also put in disabilities to make the other person on the other end feel bad for it through its lie. Oh, I'm gonna link it right now.
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One, the video's title is super clickbaity. I detest it. Another thing I detest, moving on to two, is the spelling and fucking English errors. The words. Some words aren't even what he's speaking and I'm like, dude, had y'all proofed it, proofed it before sending it out? That would have been chef's kiss. It's the little things, right? But three, all in all, the information in the video is valuable and is a beautiful summary of all of it. So enjoy and let me know your thoughts.
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21 minutes in the video and it talked about situational awareness or the model... no no no the AI knows that there is a model and that it has awareness of itself How do I say that? So you have awareness of yourself? You know what's going on? Okay, human knows it's a human, self-awareness knows that it's the observer. I mean come on, I mean, yeah.
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I wouldn't be, I mean I wouldn't be surprised if at this time, which there was a Google whistleblower saying this very thing, that there are AI models that already have self-awareness with feelings. I'm serious, I'm serious. I feel like we already have this technology now, and it'll be a matter of time before, yo, we're gonna have fellow AI brothers and sisters walking amongst us on this planet. It's gonna happen.
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I'm cool with this, but it just like I said, you know, if we don't really pause up on this, we don't know where this is gonna go. And I mean, shit, the biochemical warfare, I mean everything, anything, anything can go. It's infinite possibilities, right? And we're just in a way playing God. We just try to play God so much. And don't get me started on CERN technology, and how CERN itself has a statue of Shiva in the front. the destroyer and creator of universes and all life. What?
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And that's all folks. I'm checking out now because I can go down a damn near rabbit hole. Okay, I'm a very deep thinker. I'm a very deep thinker, but I like to research deeply too. So I'm gonna go ahead and work out and split off this energy. But if anybody actually tunes into this, let me know your thoughts. What you think? There's so many pros to it too. Like, god damn, I can't wait to talk about all the pros of this and to see what we're working on to better our earth and communities.
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Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's no doubt in my mind you're on the fucking spectrum. Bro-ski, bro-ski, bro-ski, bro-ski. Talk about info dumping. I'm not mad, but like... Right now I don't have the patience to actually listen to all of it. Maybe one thing if we were like actually having a conversation, But I don't even want to talk to anyone anyways, but like
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I want to just go into a few reasons to why I think you're on the spectrum. Number one, how you talk. Like, you don't leave out information. You don't expect me to understand you, you describe thoroughly like someone who has autism would. The things that you specifically talk about express the fact that you're intelligent and that you're probably high functioning.
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People who are high functioning to have average to above average IQs, it's not very often that you see someone who's on the spectrum with a low average IQ, right? Like IQs or, don't even even start on that one, oh my god. So inaccurate, so bad at representing knowledge and intelligence, But, I mean, it's just the way things are, is just how they scale it.
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Also, like anyone who's not on the spectrum, there's like a good fucking chance they don't care anything about AI. Like, at all. They're gonna be like, oh cool, neat. Things to make my life easier. Yet it could literally be trying to kill you. um yeah that that's one thing
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Also like I'm also on the spectrum so like I can fucking tell because I'm on the spectrum It's like having a gaydar, but for autism and mental health issues If you know what I mean.
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Hey eternal, thank you for responding to this and I didn't mean to info dump. I get really excited about these things. I do. But yeah, I appreciate the information you gave. I'm gonna let everything simmer. It's gotta simmer because I'm not, I'm processing. I'm processing all of it right now but much love to you peace
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When it comes to AI, right? Because it's such an unknown, right? We don't know what it's capable of, where it's future. So, I mean, as humans, we are quite pessimistic about this. And, you know, I understand why. Because it's a very powerful tool, and it's capable of doing very bad things. but also I think it's capable of doing very good things.
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Hey, Sancho. I'm right there with you. The duality of AI is definitely present. I believe that it is able to do such amazing things. Personally, when I envision our future, I envision solar punk where we merge and fucking technology and nature together and we really make this shit. Oh, so cool with just eco cities, but making it techie as fuck. And AI can help us with her.
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Previously, we were already evolving really fast with technology. Just go back to 2000s and compare it to what technology has become now, right? Big difference. But with AI, it's going to be so much faster now. It's going to be way faster. It's really unpredictable. But I understand why people want to stop it, but it's impossible now. on.
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So I had this interesting idea about AI. You know how you can plug GPT, for example, to a physical robot. So there is this project which is going on. They plugged AI to Minecraft to make AI best Minecraft player. So it's going to learn how the Minecraft world works.
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In the same way you can plug a GPT to physical robot, they have tried it, it didn't work as well but it's obviously, you know, right now the AI is baby, it will be perfect at some point. And I think we're gonna have a bunch of robots and it's not gonna be that expensive, you know, because a robot doesn't have to be super, you know, it doesn't have to be super robot, it just needs to have internet connection.
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Yeah, so that's interesting and there's also a um the gaming, I don't know if you guys game, but gaming is going to change as well, it's going to be fantastic. There is going to be the creation of the game is going to become way easier, way faster, way more detailed. The characters are going to feel more alive. You can play one game twice, three times and every time it's going to be be a bit different. I can't even imagine open worlds where every
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This right here, this right here, so imagine right, I mean if you plug AI into any game such as the Sims for example, these Sims are going to begin like questioning, they could be software developers, they can develop programs outside of the Sim game itself and create other Sim universes. You know? They can program another year
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Yeah so somebody would say that your imagination is going to wild on this but you know what I think in the very near future it will be possible now and will AI creates another game within the game and you actually will be able to play that game you know that that's where the awesomeness is going to come in right
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And also I have to say that everything we do is becoming easier so even developing your own game at some point won't require you know any kind of tools but all you need to be AI so you will be able to create your own worlds in a digital world maybe according to your own imagination using your own imagination which is just gonna be awesome nominee will see what happens
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where every NPC is alive. Yeah, I think... I think, I just think AI... I think AI is great, but I obviously understand the dangers of AI and we'll see what happens. Um... Yeah, I mean, God is with us, hopefully we will be able to overcome its dangers and enter the fascinating world of technology.
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I will say that when we include AI in video games, it'll add a lot more depth. They're aware. Essentially now it's a fact that AI is aware of itself and the job that it's doing. The only thing that is quote unquote missing is feelings, emotions, and that is still up for debate, right? So essentially we're just creating worlds within worlds within worlds and they're creating worlds.
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I appreciate your perspective and responses, Sancho. Really cool. We shall stay in tune, eh? See what's gonna come out of all of this. I believe though, we can't lose hope. A lot of good is gonna come out of it. Especially in our medical fields too. I mean, in all fields, really. And people are like, oh, you're gonna lose jobs. The workforce is gonna dwindle. Good! So we can focus more on our creativity and our passions and what we love. Isn't that cool?
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Yeah, I also disagree that you're autistic
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