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Well you know what is this I'm not gonna say I like police what I'm gonna say is I need police I don't like police because if I'm ever involved with police it means I've got some kind of problem right maybe the problem is not coming from them but you know I've got a problem so it's okay for people to not like police but we still still need police so yeah
I mean I think it depends like I get might be help so like if you're in trouble you're gonna call the police force of some police officers are just so useless like there's been a stabbing my area and maybe circle love you always garden around this one area when is happening on the other side and I know it's happening with the Royal Crescent yet the overboard They can be so useless scared they're gonna die it's like a good thing with the people with no weapons on them
Hell to the fuck now fuck you motherfucker police because I'm motherfuckers always my motherfucking knows your song but they be doing too much they'll pull you over on the stupidest shit ever are they so annoying oh my soul but there is some out here that be nice as hell you know yeah