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Deleted user 649d
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Eternal 653d
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Kirraa 650d
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Zaden 648d
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Crystal Beth 647d
Crystal Beth
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Artemis 645d
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3 things I would never try. Okay, it's kind of difficult because I'm still thinking about the third one, okay? First one is cannibalism. Second thing is being indoctrinated in any particular religion or cult. I mean, like, yeah, I'm not gonna be in a cult. Or even, like, my ancestors, they practiced Santeria. Yeah, I ain't doing a ritual to be initiated in that. The third thing is...
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Three things I'd never try. Anal. Anal. And anal. I'm very open minded. About a lot of things. But anal is not one of them. What do I not like about my culture? Wait, white people have culture? Wait, wait. That's a trick question. I don't get the into that.
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Okay, so three things I don't like about myself is one, I had an emo phase. Second, I had an Elvis Presley phase. And third, I'm currently in a Tokyo hotel phase. And things I don't like about my culture is that we get targeted a lot. Us black people we get tired of the light because no plantation
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Three things I'd never try Being a furry being gay and being a zoo fall. All right now here's a thing that I don't like about my culture Some of my culture would worship like spirits and demons And if you're asking what my culture is, it's Native Americans.
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Three things I would never try. I would never drink the Kool-Aid for a cult. I would never murder somebody or even have anything to do with a cult. Pretty much none of that. You know, things I don't like about my culture. I don't even know. I just... I don't know. I'm not sure.
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Three things I would never try one gambling to any any crazy stunts type of stuff like jumping over airplanes and just all that lame weird stuff the people do I just love my life and I don't really want to like die What else
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And then the last one would probably be have biological children I'm queer and if I ever find myself a partner that I want to spend the rest of my life with and we're stable enough and have money enough to have children may be able to adopt a child or two you know but yeah I don't want to have children I don't want to raise young children it's a lot of it's a lot of things you need to teach you know and a lot of people just don't do a proper job
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