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As a parent, would you allow the bottom of your kid's feet to look like it still had birth certificate ink on them? And B, would you allow your child to put them nasty ass feet in their mouth while you're standing there? I got questions.
Them motherfucking feet look like he been walking on hot coals Their motherfucking feet look like he walked from Jerusalem to motherfucking Afghanistan Like that's that's that's out of motherfucking pocket That is completely out of pocket because my babies they're not even walking yet My nephews are shy some money and bitch. I be washing their feet and they ain't even with no motherfucking well They ain't even walking yet. That shit is nasty Thank you.
not a goodest day not the hot calls wow wow yeah no like that's no that's not okay that's not okay at all like I would even you would hope you would hope that he was outside but it's coming from the house yeah there's a problem
This shit was in public. I ain't gonna even hold you. This shit was in public. I've seen this shot Oh hell no, bro. This is crazy. And then as I'm sitting there to ***** take his foot and put it in his mouth
No, that's wild. I would have been so disturbed. I'll be like, you're okay. Don't do that. Don't do that. Uh-uh And apparently we would have said something to me. That we would have had a problem. Ssssss
This is terrible our level I will never allow my daughter and I have a few looking like that as is and she's bad parenting man any parent dad loves their child feed the look like that should be question about being a parent man this is just bad on always man always
I was in the laundromat and this parent was allowing her son to run around a public laundromat barefoot. So that's how his feet got like that running around in a large amount and then he put them in his mouth