You know what? Today was quite the day you guys. This was the last day of school for the county I'm at and holy grapamolli. Literally a lie. The shift I picked up today, it said that it was for first graders. I come in and it was not a first grade classroom, it was a para ASC special needs classroom. I was like, wow, you little liars! Turns out the teacher calls out her last day of school and she's not gonna come back to school next year so she's just like, fuck this shit, so she dips and she lied when she put the information in the system. So I was bamboozled. I like being in special needs classrooms there's not a problem with that I just didn't like the lie and it being fucking deceitful. This though this special needs classroom has to take the cake of wow literally kids. So there are like two kids and they shit their pants and then they go naked and they're running around the classroom Naked and there's there's a literal shit on the floor like Real life Ted coming to life. There's a shit on the floor and This shit is literally the size of a baseball. I'm not joking guys. I'm not joking It was solid and it was a big of mass. Oh My god, there were so many things today you guys. Oh There were cute kids, of course I'm not mad, but it was just like whoa what a roller coaster my nervous system right now is short I I chose the wrong time to be sober for a bit. I'm telling you that it's time to usa. Holy Grappamooli.