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No drinking is way worse smoking weed nobody's ever died overdosed and none of that shit with weed unless it's fucking laced but that's not what we're talking about anyway drinking causes a lot of problems in the liver that lose the cancer and then you can die from him so therefore drinking is way worse kills way more people out of like 100% more than we so
I like smoking better than drinking before are used to be the other way around but now and I'm 21 two is crazy but yeah drinking is not it for me like I think it's because I used to do it a lot as a teenager is drink a lot of fun not because of an alcoholic because you know Philip the fuck I was I wasn't allowed to do it but as soon as I was allowed to do it my fucking taste buds are acting up and smoking just because it's better
I want to do both but drinking cause I like jerking let you know apple juice cranberry juice sometimes orange juice in the morning sprite Let's go downstairs When I went on it Yes