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If stereo have video people gonna be disappointed because I'm not gonna go live on here if stereo's gonna turn into Instagram Yeah, no Everybody gonna get exactly what I've been giving y'all gonna get this voice not my face lost a race, period!
I think if stereo have video a lot of people wouldn't use it because their voice is their face that's why they don't have social media attached because they never want you to see what they look like for whatever their reasons may be. Look at that video. Only will be used by 15% of the users. That's it. The rest they're hiding.
That would be awesome. I think that video is a great addition to this platform. I really am struggling to find out what the brand identity is of stereo because it really lacks one.
What do you mean to I know we can upload video you need to make video straight from this platform only if I got like cool stuff I can make it elsewhere you know on IG or TikTok and just upload it here so it's already fun I don't know it's cool
I mean back in the day when stereo first started they didn't have video I believe that had twitch attached to it I used it a couple times but I wasn't a big fan of it to be honest