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Brown Arreola 677d
Brown Arreola
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Alfreda L Rice
Brown Arreola
Jena Schuerman
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Alfreda L Rice
Liquidelphia 677d
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Alfreda L Rice
Nina Hasbrouck
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Alfreda L Rice
Alfreda L Rice
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Alfreda L Rice
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Vivaciousone 677d
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Alfreda L Rice
Alfreda L Rice
Vivaciousone 677d
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The Deep Dive 677d
The Deep Dive
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Emmanda 677d
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What would you like to learn about her health wellness Poparazzi or aromatherapy
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I would like to learn if the paparazzi actually assassinated Princess Diana I feel like a different size of excellent
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Is Princess Diana like God dang Show your true age out here as I was going on If it is what's that gonna do for you I was gonna happen I need to know
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I'm kind of confused on what you're saying because this is not the paparazzi debt actually ran down and killed Diana that Princess Diana the proper president I'm talking about is basically paparazzi accessories and that's where it's like feed your five dollar have it is fashion jewelry for men and women and I am an independent consultant and I also sales sale the paparazzi
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Oh my father here as mistake fax man
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Out of all of those I don't really know much about aromatherapy a I mean like in general I guess like very vaguely but I am nothing too deep into aromatherapy and I have no clue at all
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Aromatherapy can help you as far as essential oils it can help you as well as you wanna do something that's basically organic and you wanna use to clean with basically I use aromatherapy as for as in my salon I use it to help keep my customers come you have aromatherapy that if you have any parts of your body is hurting you can use the barometer but you can make the audio
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I would like to learn why do pop is it I never see Pop rising on August 9 that Poppy had to see the Poparazzi park well as hell it was this good food to eat I need some good food and healthy food or fruit type two
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Paparazzi is actually a fashion where will a lot of women in men like fashion jewelry is basically a five dollar I have it where are you can join and you can sell paparazzi To make money and basically that's what I can tell you my papa Razzi what's good to eat depending on if you're going to be
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Oh there's a pretty good option I would definitely say hair and aromatherapy
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What would you like to know about your hair and what would you like to know about Roma Thirdry? There are different things that you can do. Then they both go hand in hand. If you need any help with anything, I'm glad to help you. ions of Aristotle through things like terms, Καιsteva and
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Basically what I'm saying is we don't take pictures we don't do anything like that this is basically me selling fashion jewelry I have a website that you can check out if you wanna know any more about it just let me know and I'll shoot it to you but didn't mean to let you know how that was it just came out my mouth like that
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Basically I can I tell you what happened to Princess Diana I'm not in that part of paparazzi I should've made it clear I am an independent consultant that sells paparazzi accessories which is jewelry
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I would like to learn how to prevent split ends, how to prevent excessive dryness, breakage, how to deeply moisturize black hair, how to style your hair, how to curl it, and how to get crimped waves without using excessive heating styling tools like curling irons and crimp and irons and all that.
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First I might ask the question how many times a week do you shampoo your hair condition your hair and deep condition most people don't realize that those or actually different things what regimen do you use our regimens don't work on everybody
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Another thing I would like to ask is what products are you using if the first 10 ingredients of the products that you're using that have alcohol in them do not use them because alcohol makes your hair very very dry and then you would have to add more protein mean in your hair
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I'd like to know exactly how many hours of sleep do we really need because a long time ago somebody said that Excuse me somebody said that we What is it four glasses of water eight glasses of water a day or something like that? And then recently within the last two years somebody came out and said it's not eight glasses it's however many cups of water that you fill this though you need to stay hydrated which differs from person to person.
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I think learning more about health and wellness could be pretty useful
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I think out of all of those, I think aromatherapy would be the one I'd like to know more about. I don't know much about aromatherapy at all.
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