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Ed B 682d
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I don't understand why people are so transphobic like it's something that I've dealt with all my life like I was born female okay and from the moment I could talk I knew that was different I wanted to be a boy I always asked my parents if I could be a boy and it's not like I transitioned straight away like I felt like a boy from like five years old and I transitioned when I was 24 so I spent like 20 years debating whether or whether or not to transition or to just like holding it back and it got to the point where I couldn't do it anymore. Like I had to transition, I had to come out, I had to be happy with myself, and I just don't understand why people are so horrible about it, like telling me that I'm gonna go to hell and stuff like that, like I'm not a bad person. I cannot help being trans, I can't help feeling this way. And like from the moment I transitioned, I became happy with myself. I just don't get why people are so judgmental.
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Yo, I don't understand why people are transphobe, man, you just shut the fuck up.
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I am an alarm I'm talking Berman Lala
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What do you mean
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I don't know my bro you just you go ask for yourself
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Yeah I'm gonna lie I saw machine Right it's not transphobia because it's not that transform is a fury has asked for four years I just don't worry trans people just because their decisions that need to decide to become a boy or a girl instead of the natural certain biological genetic make up it's just confusing I don't we transfer I have a friend as friends and he's the only exception owner
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The reason is the only exception is going as far as I can see he's the only person who is trend who can accept that won't get them being trans-is more natural and they don't make it there entire personality and lifestyle they all features every single person to see if anything to try and tell you that it's not something to be super league wild about race Travieso deal so they know right and he's admitted that and that's something I can respect
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Yeah man I get it like it's not like it's not like a normal thing but the scientists and doctors that I spoke to have all said that it was like is it like a hormone imbalance in the brain and that happens when you're forming in the womb something kind of like it just like goes wrong I was seven weeks early when I was born.
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I mean the thing is you that the hormone imbalance kind of fair enough you can't really do anything about that genetically very you kindly inclined to do things that you do if your hormones in balance on birth right Wednesday in Asia most people who were supposedly trends don't have a hormone in balance something or an even autistic or a within some sort of minority group they're just normal people who just wanna do this for attention or some shit that's what I'm free now it is it's crazy
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Yeah man I completely agree with you like it is getting a bit out of control like people are identifying with like new gender and going by like they them and stuff like that. Um and I'm actually like reviewing with the whole thing like people are seeing it as like a trend like it's not supposed to be a trend it's a medical condition at the end of the day.
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I'm telling you right now yeah if you went out there and told people in the LGBT agenda thing that your opinion right there even if you are trans even if you are gay or lesbian or whatever you want to be they will tell you that you don't deserve to be gay trans there's been a scene already this one woman said that if you are a gay bar don't support the gender than you're not allowed to be gay what is going on and you can't even be gaining more and be LGBT
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Exactly it is literally going beyond a joke
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That's what all people from the community say it like at this point everything you say is transforming like people are so sensitive and get so offended by the truth Science by biology they get it so offended so doesn't make sense
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Well it's funny every time they call me transfer because I'm just speaking the truth and they get so offended so I get called that bad transphobia means that you have a fear of trans people which I do not have so I don't know why they keep saying that
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Also gender dysphoria being trans has actually been proven by scientists and doctors that it is a hormone imbalance in the brain from birth so when someone is developing in the womb something happens that you know possibly goes wrong I am and that's why you no try and people can't help it it is is it basically is a birth defect
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Transfer it actually means that you openly say stuff to trans people against them is that it doesn't mean that you're afraid of them
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