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Okay another binary question What do you guys prefer the vampire diaries or the originals me personally I'm gonna have to go for the originals It's like the originals my favorite series. I've ever watched by the way. I remember I didn't want to watch it But my friend kept begging me to just give it a try to just watch like two three four episodes and I watched it and I fell in love with Klaus of them. What? I think when I finger this guy, I'll start getting too excited. But yeah, it's pretty close between the two. It's like, I give a rhythmals like a 10 out of 10. And then if I had to rate the vampire diaries, it would be like a 9.25. The vampire diaries is my second favorite series ever. I don't know which one you guys prefer.
I like both, I do like both, because Originals gives me something different that the Vampire Dairos doesn't, so if I had to choose, I'd say Vampire Dairos only because I like nostalgia and original, but I still picked what's original there.