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Oh no I would've been scared as fuck to I was just saying like after I would've like them like low-key I am iconic as fuck so like I understand both sides is it perspective trust me
OK so like me and my boyfriend were like hot and heavy texting you know like yeah and I had him saved in my phone as his middle name but his middle name is the same as one of my cousins and so me and him were like going back-and-forth texting or whatever and I accidentally sent one of the nasty text messages to my cousin he's only six but his mom watches his phone and my aunt called me a read the message to me and I shit myself
OK when I was in high school I had a crush on this guy has also friends with but he was like dating this girl and the girl hated me so me and my other friend was kind of like talk shit about her because she was like a bitch especially to me like she literally bullied me but it's fine and I accidentally talk shit about her to my crush who is her boyfriend and then I continue to pretend like I was kidding and made the situation completely worse and it was really embarrassing yeah