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Gaurav Jadav 685d
Gaurav Jadav
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Emily Ankrom
Armani Monche 685d
Armani Monche
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Emily Ankrom
Chris 685d
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All right I want to know what is your favorite GTA heist to play I think for me I really love the casino heist but also the classic Cayo heist Keio hurry say it I think it just depends on like if I'm doing it for fun or doing it for money but definitely the casino heist and Keio are my two faves
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The casino heist was good but I think my favorite one was the doomsday heist just cuz there was so much going on like like there were just so many different parts of that heist where you know you just got into like some crazy The Kawar Vincent Peace 있었 spaces billowing in and Taoist
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That's so crazy, I feel like. I haven't met many people that love the Doom Stay Heist. Everyone I've played with that does that heist. Thinks it's so dumb. I'm only honestly like halfway through. I kind of lost interest halfway, but I don't know. I don't think it's bad, but I don't feel like that's a common one. I love that.
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I feel like the doomsday heist was my favorite. It got so ridiculous and then it just kept going and going and there was more things to do and more chaos happening. And it was really fun. And the first time I did it with friends, we survived the whole way. And then I fell down a hole and died right at the very end and the last step before the jet packs.
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Oh my gosh, that is so funny. That is so frustrating when you're like almost done with the heist and then you happen to die right at the end. That is one of the most frustrating things. But I think it's so awesome that your favorite one is Doomsday. I don't know many people that love that heist and so I love that that's one of your favorites. I think that's pretty cool.
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