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What do you lot think of I-Sports and do you think they can maintain the music image? I'm not gonna lie to you lot, me personally I actually think they're good. A lot of people disagree but I actually think they're very good. Their songs are really catch you as well.
I know we get nervous using people pronouns and shit but I am I think it's safe to say her pronouns are she her you keep saying there they ha ha ha What is she gonna go along way in the music business for sure she got with Hollywood won't
Yeah I know I think ice spice is good she's really fun and she's got it really popular of Noah but yeah I don't know if she'll stay that's what you are if she'll keep coming I've got songs but I think they're so she's come out of a really good
Do you know what am I supposed been doing now I said she's pretty good you know oh she just recently connected with Nicki Minaj and you know that's just amazing right there and I just see her going up from here