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Eshika Singh 685d
Eshika Singh
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Stereo SafeSpace
Joe Testouri 685d
Joe Testouri
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Stereo SafeSpace
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All right this one is for everyone who goes to school do you like doing notes more than homework because right now I missed a few days of school and I'm doing some notes and some homework and I'm sitting here like damn I'd rather do like packets of notes and homework like it's that bad at this point because like all you do is fill in the blanks you know but for homework you gonna sit here and find the answers I don't know that's just me though
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100% choose homework over no it's because notes like I feel are so useless sometimes especially with Mr. class yeah you're gonna want to know the basics of what you've missed but also homework is where you can apply those notes and like you can also do your notes on your homework itself it's just a better way to learn in my opinion
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I see where you're coming from like homework makes me understand 100% but I feel like notes I can do notes a lot faster than I can homework if that makes sense I don't know that's weird
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I would say in the long run homework stronger because it's all about repetition so if you can continue to do something over and over again as time goes on you become better at it now taking absolutely has its place I think you only a small glimpse of what you're doing just to take a minute where is at university I think Luke seating is one Porton because he's on his fine condense piece of Nations
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0100% because the notes that we took a nice cool it was does not it's not it and I mean like some of them didn't even apply to what we learned in war and even on test and such so I get that
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