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Katherine Montes β€’ 436d
Katherine Montes
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Katherine Montes
Jose Farrach
Daniel β€’ 435d
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Why is it that we read all these books about history and in life and about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln all these historians in life and we never ever really question those books we never ever say how do I know that's not true how do I know that these people didn't exist where is the evidence where is the proof where you know none of that in the Bible the only book that anybody ever gets so mad about that they're like show me proof that the things are real but any other book you read you believe lately it's amazing
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I totally agree with you and that people takes actually time to read a whole bunch of books but the Bible gets like the most accusations.
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Are you a Christian or something? Well I am and yeah I just agree with what you're saying.
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Yeah, I mean people consider me Christian. I don't really say that I'm Christian. I'm a follower of Christ, but people are gonna say, well you are Christian. If you follow Jesus, you're a Christian. So titles don't really mean anything to me, if that makes sense.
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You're absolutely right if you think about it, but that's what makes history beautiful because it's a mixture of both legends and reality, like things that were actually documented to be true, plus legends. That's why I like it and that's why it's cool.
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