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Do you think Cinematica prices are too expensive? And how much is too much for you? For me I think it depends on the experience. If it's like a standard, I don't mean mind paying like 5 to 8 GBP. But if it's like an iMac or like one with reclining seats, I don't mind paying a bit more like probably like 15 GBP max or 18 GBP.
Probably for like an IMAX ticket like 25 bucks or whatever, but I have like the Regal Pass so it's discounted for me I guess if that makes sense, but yeah, that's pretty much it.
Yeah most I paid I want to see top gun Maverick and IMAX on the weekend so I wanna say it was like 22 bucks for me as well worth the movie rocked and I want to see it on as a bigger screen as possible with the best speakers it was great
I mean it just depends on the setting you know what are we talking IMAX are we talking like you know I'm an older movie being brought back in like a legendary theater we talk in 3-D like that and like you know lotta love different and depends on like what exactly the movie is
Yeah, so if I'm paying for a ticket, it has to be 5 to 6 quid to be honest. I'm not going over that. And that's actually usually through promo codes and, you know, like, Vodafone deals and all these little deals that you can get online. So, yeah.
I feel like realistically I'd have to pay a lot more than this but if I had to choose out only pay like 15 bucks for a ticket if you like nowadays things are really really expensive and like some cinemas charge like 20+ dollars for a ticket but I wish it was just like 15