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Alexis Sabrina
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Alyssa Kunz
Alexis Sabrina
Alyssa Kunz
Renee Shelkey 688d
Renee Shelkey
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Alyssa Kunz
Kellie Brown 688d
Kellie Brown
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Jenna Kreitinger
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Alyssa Kunz
Malori 688d
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Kaitlyn Grosz 687d
Kaitlyn Grosz
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Jania Torres 687d
Jania Torres
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Mamas I'm just coming on here and checking in with you hoping that you had a great day but tonight I wanted to know what is your favorite summer activity or favorite summer activities myself I have quite a bit I love to do bonfires it's like my number one number two would have to be like camping my husband's friend is actually fixing up his camper and once that gets fixed we're all going to go camping together and just have lots of fun and then I like to try and at least do like a water park And then I like to take them the splash pad I like to take them to like the zoo the park so I have a lot of favorites but I want to know what is yours let me know and I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening
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Bonfires and camping are definitely on my list and you cannot hide me from a good waterslide I love water parks but I feel like for our summer vibe for this summer I'm gonna try to do a lot of like backyard playing and a lot of like backyard activities with my toddler and we do live like walking distance near splash plat splash pads we're probably going to do some of that too
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I have been kind of thinking about getting like a little waterslide or like a splash pad kind of thing to put in our yard for the kiddos so I don't know I'm kind of thinking about it but we'll see
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A waterslide or like a splash pad would be so fun or like a slip and slide thing but I was thinking of doing like a like a big bucket and like those water crayons cause my son's only three and I feel like you would have a lot of fun doing that and then he can like spray the wall and then it would be like he's painting the wall plus some of Ba and a budget you know how to mean so I'm I feel like it would be like fun for less
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That is a really good idea I'm gonna definitely have to keep that in mind because definitely gonna have to do that for sure
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I like going to the parks and playing my daughter play on the playground and the splash pad and I get to relax. Going to the lakes, the fishing or swimming, doing some camping, maybe some nature hikes and I love like garage selling and market type stuff too.
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Yes, I love garage sales too. I have been seeing some people starting them up a little bit just because it's starting to warm up and be nice out finally and I like garage sales and markets too.
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We love any water activities with the whole family
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Okay so our favorite summer activity is because you know like where you probably live you guys all stay inside so much during like the winter we stay inside so much during the summer it's like 120 degrees it's really hot super easy to get overheated but favorite summer activity is anything with water seriously just anything with water or camping up north where it's cold so we do like go into the zoo but not when it's hot.
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I know you live in Arizona and when I lived in California I was in the desert and yeah that is all we did was we stayed inside pretty much all summer because it was just as hot I do not miss that kind of weather
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Honestly I think my favorite summer activity is like going to the zoos but I also love camping and like sitting around bonfires it just is so like nostalgic I love it
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I am so so looking forward to summer. We love going to the Sueza family. We love just being outside and enjoying the sunshine Going for nature walks. We might try camping this year, but our youngest is one so I'm not 100% sure if it'll go well, but we will see.
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Before come becoming a mom I was working at the student so obviously before I worked I was a student but my favorite thing was to do in the summer was just to go to the beach by myself for the pug study if I needed to and I even get in the water but just lay there and go home grab my lunch and it was just nice
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