Okay so I'm gonna run a little bit. I would say that these past days have been fairly very overwhelmed. I've been super super overwhelmed. It's crazy. Like last night I kind of had like an anxiety attack of just thinking of everything that needs to get done and it's not done. And I guess I just started watching watching like a show to kind of ease my mind a bit. But, but yeah, I'm actually, right now I'm sitting outside like in my apartment, we have like an outside patio. So I'm here with my son and he's just playing with like chalk and stuff. And I'm just like getting some fresh air, but it's crazy because I, even though I'm outside, it's like I can't seem to like detach from my phone. There's so much things I'm just like, I think I'm starting to realize I'm very addicted to like social media and just like my phone. Like I need to detach. It's hard for me to detach because to work and make money, it requires to be on my phone. And sometimes I feel like I'm not fully present. And today I'm trying to be present, but it's like, fuck, I need to get shit done. So yeah, do you guys ever go through this? Like kind of like a constant battle between being a present mom and trying to get things done. And it's just super stressful. And, you know, yeah, so can you guys relate?