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How do you feel about the sequel to Spider-Man into the spider verse it's called a Spider-Man across the spider verse been split into two films personally for me so I'm 50-50 by I'm happy that we're gonna get another sequel after this one coming out but at the same time I don't really like it when I split from in half and like the first time zone in build up I need to have a bigger person the next song And after into the spider verse where was receive so much success like the pressure on the sequels high because I have to punch out the way that the previous one punch that so I don't know I'm 50-50 bye-bye I'm really excited for it like I love Spider-Man and I love my smart and I really liked the Garda Spider-Man for 2990 C but let me know I just feel bad
Alright I didn't I didn't know that I was I don't even know that was the case that there is a need to me about yeah I think I'm gonna be basically I think this printer to put think I've put a lot more pressure on her arm for a film that already has a lot to deliver in a lot of expectations of a long's until I watch it but yeah it's definitely pitfalls I should be avoiding
Deborah hundred sound like it's quite mad they have that pressure on her back and they're like yeah fuck it was dirty fart like it has a slap that I'm hoping it will cause I have faith but I don't know it's not as well
I didn't even know there was gonna be two movies but I hope they execute it well cause I don't mind it being to parts but sometimes when it's a two-part movie the movie can drag so I'm hoping that's not the case
Yeah like that that's what I'm saying is I like I hope this if it is about one hour if they've arranged by New Order original intention was asking about one that had his own way and I can be classed as an film are not just us up because I'm not really big fan of herself films
For me always goes down to you know why why are you doing this I mean I don't mind any of it but for a reason if it's a The Hobbit was make money than you have corner but these guys been such a good first movie that I'm hoping it's because they were figuring out what's the best way to story and it was it it was a case then yeah go ahead I can't watch them
I hope so too bro because it is one for monetary value then that's part of such a waste but yeah I hope it's because the story was was too big to tell my phone
I'm super excited to see these. Even if it is a two-part movie, I think they're doing really well with the whole spider-verse thing. I like the direction they're taking it in.