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Do you guys think movies and TV shows are becoming quote unquote woke? Because I think I just saw some discourse on Twitter and I feel like a lot of people want are misusing the word woke in a bad way because woke just means you're just aware to racism, sojournism, sexism, etc. And I don't think that's a bad thing at all to be awake to those type of inequalities. but I do sometimes see people being annoyed that movies are now more woke. I don't know. I don't mind it if it's done in subtle ways. I don't like it when it's very very obvious, your face cringey wokeness you know I don't like that but when it's like done well, I don't mind it.
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I mean, I can imagine who other people leading this discourse on Twitter about shows becoming too woke. It's the same people who have turned woke into a bad word or woke into an insult. And I don't mind it. I don't mind that shows becoming too woke. It's meant to reflect our reality, isn't it? And our reality is that we are becoming more enlightened to the things that are happening in life and in this world. So I don't mind it too much.
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Yeah, very well said because we're no longer the generation where we ignore everything. We don't ignore mental health issues, we don't ignore racism, sexism, we don't ignore these things, we don't sleep under the rug. These are things that should be confronted and should, you know, be, we should be against not, you know, quietly supporting.
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Yep, yep, exactly that, exactly that. and I'm not just gonna let somebody calling me woke kind of counteract that.
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The embarrassing, like, I always notice how the people, you know, who you are, if you're using work as some type of, like, comeback. Like, how was that a comeback? working on a bad thing.
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I think it depends on what you're watching. I feel like for me, following everything that happened with George Floyd, I feel like I can't watch shows where there's like heavy racism in it because it's too triggering
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Any type of abuse in general, like where it's like the R word or the V to a heavy extent, I can't really watch those type of things. So I definitely hear the Jodhpur thing and I can't watch it if it's too heavy. I just prefer light-hard stuff now since...
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I feel like they're becoming really, I guess, inclusive with everything. Or just really trying to appease the masses of what's going on. And what this cancel culture, this woke culture, this feminist culture, everything. so.
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Yeah I agree I feel like a lot of movies and series are becoming a bit more sensitive now because everyone's becoming more sensitive.
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Absolutely I think people are getting way too sensitive to there's a lot of comedy that can't be told anymore just because people are so fucking sensitive loosen up means you can't go through life without telling a joke
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Yeah I mean slightly relevant to your question but you're completely right of the word woke in its entirety has been the definition of been changed by people which is very strange it's used as a bantam its users like a left-wing you know your woke you you know you're not racist it's so bizarre that it's now been twist as a negative thing on your right in work it's just been a week to racism sexism all these things
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Yeah to work in that sense are possibly I mean you could argue that we is it to work or are we just not woken up before any in terms of work I've just put a standby on about the definition of work sadly changing and people just not knowing what the word means as you said you know it's just all the underrepresented being represented enough now or the underrepresented now been overrepresented
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I think it just depends on what you're watching. Like quote unquote, woke is silly. There are some people that believe everything should be accepted. There are some people that believe things should be accepted with restriction or something should be exposed, whatever. So I don't think that's necessarily woke. I think it's just preference of some TV shows. Sure, they're more quote unquote, woke, but also others are not. I don't think they're becoming too woke just becoming more set to their target demographic.
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I don't think so you know if anything
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