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Who do you guys think is the most iconic female character in MCU right now and you can see is black widow because she's been here from the start and she's all of the OG6 or something I think it's gonna wish because she's been she's one of the most of the characters right now I personally think it's black widow if you think it's someone else like Captain Marvel let me know
I think scarlet witch is kind of overtaken black widow like she was introduced first she's like that she was the only female avenger for a while but like scarlet witch just gets so much more development she's so much more interesting and she's clearly gonna play a big part going forward
How when I first thought about this question black widow popped in my head but I don't know scarlet witch is made quite the name for herself her solo movie I'd argue was considerably better than black widows movie some more powerful has more of an influence I think scarlet witch
I think definitely right now black widow is the most iconic female character in the MCU because she's been around for longer in the MCU but if Scarlet witch does return at seven or after a Multiverse of madness and she is in more project she'll definitely become the most iconic
For wrong you are so wrong you're so wrong you probably would die the next day you're so wrong you're wrong wrong wrong wrong and wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong Scarl witchesis the best bike with really do anything
I think that video I just feel like she's been there longer that she was part of the original avengers like I've been watching her since I was really young you know like I feel like she's just more iconic
Yeah I agree like popular in Marvel characters always rise and fall but you can never replicate being the first ever female adventure I can't be redone like once you're the first you're the first so black widows always gonna have to
I think black widow is definitely the most popular iconic one personally I prefer scarlet witch of Alexis Justin Moore black widow Logan Paul as she can fight and she has a Kolkata stuff but she can't really move things with her my Internet sites for her
Oh yeah wrong to you just wrong only reason black widow is the best is because of her athletic schism no no no scarlet witch can arrest black widow from every moment so she can raise black wolf History and nothing will change at all at all Nobody open realize that she thought
Scarlet witch she can raise bag would've mystery if she really wanted to and nothing about nothing she can do with you if you were in MCU movie If you even did to do something to her kid she was a race you from history from being born Mention
I've never like a scene like WandaVision but I don't really understand the hype with one personally like even in the movies I've liked her character a lot but I just never understood the hype so I'm going with black widow
Black widows more iconic but I am scarlet which is more like she's rising popularity but she'll never top black widow and it's the fact I like black It could just go to the power for some shit like that but like black widow is way more fucking iconic