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Yeah why not I would actually install solar panels I think that might be a big kind of expensive but that's going to be so Eco friendly and it's going to save a lot of money
And if anybody could you can save loads of money in energy bills to be fair where I live now is flat so I wouldn't pay much electric and gas at the moment they've had a big house that I've said I will invest in you say so much money
Oh yeah I would likely consider it I just have no idea how much they cost her like what the pricing of it is and I'm assuming it's expensive and my family has not considered it but if it's only it's affordable I definitely would consider putting that in my house
I personally don't have solar panels installed but my neighbor does and she said it was a waste of money because they're so expensive and she told me the only way you're going to see actual savings is if your solar panels are paid off. So for that reason I do not have them because I don't feel like or according to her like it's not worth it.
Think what I first went off at her the question it sounds stupid but now I think about it and I think it will be such a bad idea and I think you'll be a lot more affordable if you're planning on staying at the same house for a long time