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Sex is just a mixture of male and female keyword a mixture of male and female those two things bro it's still to things like his legs Kevin ketchup year and having mayo ketchup and mayo still catch up and plus mail to feet
I mean not entirely I ate a classified that is more of a deformity you know cause you are born as one gender no one six whatever but you are then giving it a family like anybody could have a deformity like to get an extra hour but whatever you can get an extra live with them that's not associate with your sex and that is a change of sucks but if she does your parents which is kind of a trans works but you know
For real there's only two genders bro a male and a female so they can fucking lie to make baby that's what God made girls and men boy and girl men and woman yeah that that's what I got made it like the fuck
Then why did god make intersex children why would god make people hermaphrodites as you might know them why would god make them if God was so intent on making only two genders did he just like fuck up three did you slip he tripped a bit
Well first of all those are deformities those don't happen often so if you use your brain like dead on God great down syndrome no did God create cancer now those are genetic those are diseases those are like Tourette's syndrome genetic like You think you know it all you don't
Firstly no not all intersex conditions are genetic in fact I think most of them aren't however secondly yeah God did are you telling me that God like created a perfect child and then Satan came down and cursed it with down syndrome that's not how it works God creates everyone with a purpose no that includes people with deformity
He was also God who put like all the plagues on Egypt so like what were those just diseases are like whatever the f**k you're talking about no he made those like God it's so f***ing weird like Oh my god you're getting this often like some book written by like an old white man several years ago where would he where's your proof Noah no offense I'm just genuinely wonder
Oh I don't like this thread I don't like these people you're a nice person you're a very nice person but the people responding to you and the person who started this thread is just
Where in female exactly and I don't even know what show is about 4 inches into things is when you are can I have a note that it is that where you graduate is saying things and you can pick wouldn't he want to be I don't know but yeah
In intersects is like when you came out wrong. So it's like You're like missing a leg or like something like that. It's kind of like the same thing but just like with you know Your gender.
Yes I feel I agree like yeah you can be whatever you want I'm not homophobic or anything but there's only two genders if you decide to you know do you want thing do you think it's kind of like OK you're a mixture of both OK still two genders you're a mixture of two genders it's like it's kind of like mixing fuck I don't know same
Like, so transgender is what the thing is, is like, it's like one they are a gender but they want to be a different one. So like it wouldn't be homophobic to say there's only two genders.
How old up what if you're like an alien or something and they have like eight genders what are you gonna do there from a different like Galaxy or something like what are you gonna do if an alien pulls up and says hey 06 royal of the seven
All these people talking about internet sex is so fucking ridiculous to me because What did you start off with? What were you to begin with? You can't just be born without anything without a vagina without a titty without a fucking dick. You can't be born. It's not physically possible Unless it's to happen before then someone enlightened me like pretty please like I can't just fucking do that shit You're either born a guy or a woman.