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Sandy King 445d
Sandy King
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Jessi 445d
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Estef Malundama
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Haleyyyy 444d
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Elissa JL 444d
Elissa JL
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Heather Ihla 443d
Heather Ihla
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Alisha 441d
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So I had my third baby three weeks ago I am a baby boy and he is probably one of my hardest babies other than my first and if he's not eating or sleeping all he does is cry he's been to the doctor and he's healthy and he's fine oh my doctor said she's not concerned maybe just a fussy baby I'm just wondering if you guys also had a difficult baby and how did you cope because I am literally crying at least two times a day because this is hard
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Oh my god this is my second baby my first baby was a girl she was fucking great no crying she never forced feet fed great nurse to sleep in my second he had colic so damn bad he literally scream from 6 PM until midnight like every single night that's him right there is 11 months and he still wants so
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My first was a really hard baby she cried like from what was it 4 PM all the way until about 9 PM and then we bath her and try to put her to bed and even that was a fight
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Young baby was a breeze. She was so easy. Um, my sister-in-law had a colic baby and he cried, like screamed, cried for the first eight months of his life. So I definitely feel for you girl.
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I am so sorry I am only have one baby she's 20 months old now she was difficult at the beginning I would cry and say I don't think she's a happy baby but really she was fine and I just did everything possible to take care of her and yeah it's fucking hard you've three you know that but you're probably doing great mama you're fine just just keep going to God it's so hard
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I thought the same thing with my first. I thought she was just an unhappy baby. I thought maybe she got traumatized from being born, even though my labor was really simple and easy. but she's a great toddler now.
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FaceTime oval the same things you want to find a little bit What time trust me you got this just be patient don't panic panic yourself and ask enough questions remember there's no such thing as a dumb question
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Yes I agree patience is a big thing when it comes to infants so thank you I do have three kids but he is probably my second most difficult baby because my first is pretty bad to
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What I found out that helps really well with the fussy baby is maybe you're not swaddling him tight enough because that was my issue is it's one of them like really tight and then like put Like put his feet up to his knees up since he's three weeks put his knees up to his like Billy and swallow Marie tight that's what helped me so I'm just gonna slide it to you maybe it'll help
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OK my babies must be worried because this is my third baby and he does not like to be swaddled like at all he hates it just like my other two kids I have no idea why
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Oh I feel for you so much on this it is so hard that newborn stage they're so so precious but it's so so hard just know that you're not doing anything wrong your baby is happy and healthy
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It really sounds like he has colic. I would definitely maybe try some gas drops and see if that helps. Maybe he's just a really gassy baby. Try that, see if that works.
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Okay, I think it was just a really bad day or a bad week. I don't know, but he's good this week. Like he's barely crying, he's still eating and he's still sleeping and pooping, but he's not crying as much as he was last week.
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I totally had an amazing time with my first child. She was easy-peasy. And then my second, my son, he was a nightmare. He was totally fine. He did have some like dairy issues and whatnot. And super colky, but other than that he literally had... he was a healthy baby. But he screamed all of the time. Like there was never a time. I could never put him down. And even when he was in my arms he was still screaming. Now my last baby, she's been pretty good too.
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