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So I just saw the movie poster for Ben Affleck's new movie hypnotic and without looking it up just looking at the picture I am did you saying that it's gonna be like inception it's there's a B mind game elements do it psychologist actually going to be in there and it looks like it's an action movie as well that's what I'm taking from that that's the vibe I'm getting have you guys seen the movie poster
Fun fact about this movie, it's directed by Robert Rodriguez, so I wouldn't be surprised if this movie is kind of crazy and all over the place. I literally know nothing about it. I need to see the trailer. I need to look at this poster. I'm in though.
OK I just watched the trailer and the main character from the TV show Siam Queen of the South I don't know her name but she is in this movie and that's a blast for me because she such a good actor It looks like it is kind of like inception yup it's gonna be a good one
Well, if it's anywhere as good as Inception, I am down as well, and I think Ben Affleck and Robert Rodriguez would be a very intriguing combination for me.