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Considering that my high school sweetheart was me, yeah. I'm still with my high school sweetheart. What is it like 18 years going strong now? We've been together since I was 14 then that's a lot longer than 18. Well what's the math on that for 20 years or something 24 years how old am I
Yeah I feel like anyone that forgets their age is genuinely enjoying real life and not sitting there counting how many freaking days have gone by you anything
No, I literally dated mine for five years and I realized as soon as I like broke up with him that it wasn't really my first love is really just like puppy love and like my first attachment. So, no, I really hope he's doing well though.
I am not but I do check on him every year and whenever it's like our prom date I text him just to be funny about it just to check in but other than that no it's hard people grow and people change
I wish I mean it's not that we can't be together this is the Right now I don't think is the best time for me to be her distraction couldn't want her to the seat and everything she does but I also have shit I need to do but maybe we will meet in the end hopefully
Um, technically I don't feel like I had a high school sweetheart. Like my little boyfriends that I had in high school weren't nothing to call a sweetheart. So I'm gonna go with no.