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Zenovia G 520d
Zenovia G
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Liangelo Baker
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Liquidelphia 520d
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Zylus k 520d
Zylus k
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Yo, so for this one I'm just quite curious to hear what device you're using and on average how long does your battery last you from a full charge. For me I'm using a Samsung S20 FE, my battery usually lasts at least until the end of the day, I will have like probably like 5%. So pretty decent considering I use my phone quite a bit for like surfing, Twitter, whether maybe but yeah I'd like to hear some of the figures you like experience.
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It depends on what I'm doing on my phone if it's like me just washing whatever on my phone and like scrolling through social media then it will last pretty much the whole day but if I'm like recording on my phone like record a content then my battery Jane pretty quickly and it likes last half the day but I the iPhone 14 prommax so the battery is pretty good on here
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I can't lie, I got an iPhone 13 Pro Max, at the start it would've lost. If I don't charge it, it would've lost for like two days, if I use it as well. But now, I don't think I've lost 11 hours, man.
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Flashlight two hours and hold you sometimes by Elias Leilas all I do tonight I don't know how am I better be still off screen
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Oh I'm gonna go on iPhone 12 and my battery life is very good especially with this device that I got I guess I got lucky so I charge my phone using the predictive charging so I can charge is it to 80% and then he charges the rest one of the things that you're gonna wake up like in the future like in the future so doesn't like strain the battery and I think that's helped a lot I've activated
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