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Fucking clone of bitch wait ugly that ass wait ass bitch dirty ass bitch sound like this That's why your ancestors are porn stars It's a... It's a... Our names put together. You dirty.
Speak up whenever you're saying I cannot like any other say porn star say it louder or your parents are a bond you know porn star you're a fucking ugly bitch
So now he said you're not gonna do you're not gonna come on my page try to talk about my body when it's not even there pretend you're hot shit act like this ratchet black girl when you're not even black like stop trying to so damn hard and ghetto the fuck you're white ass bitch
I'm like I'm glad you're self aware that you're a basic white bitch but you need a no you look like a fucking door not even a door a mattress you disgusting white whore don't talk to me like that again before I rape your mom
Like you for real that you say me with all that but it wasn't even me and when my friend told you that you just ignored it so you made a whole fool at yourself with your big foot having
It used to be this funny show when I was coming up, it's called Bill Cosby, Kid Sater, during these things. Now the stereo kids say they're doing these things. Yeah, thanks for having me.
Basically said, it used to be the people on the Bill Cosby show, the kids on the Bill Cosby show saying, Weird as shit, now it's the kids on the stereo app. That's what he said.
I have a brain for it in every single sentence I say to be honest. It's not like anything crazy, you know what I'm saying? Like I just have one right there. I couldn't think of a word to say. I'm just retarded.
I'm not gonna lie to you bro I need to shut the fuck up and stop lying to her but shut the fuck up bro you nasty bro you stop stop being a fucking Simp nasty bitch
Look at the look at how pretty I am Yeah I do like your shoes though you should be looking kind of decent but no you definitely give off some pick me some pick me shit but I don't know you so I can't say that's what you are so have a good day