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Zolina 707d
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Kynzie Szymanski
Kynzie Szymanski
Kynzie Szymanski
Jaded 698d
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Kynzie Szymanski
I Talk Her Through Her Nuts
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Big boy 698d
Big boy
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Kynzie Szymanski
Kennedy 700d
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Kynzie Szymanski
Kailey 700d
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Kynzie Szymanski
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Kynzie Szymanski
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Kynzie Szymanski
Kynzie Szymanski
Olivia 698d
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Kynzie Szymanski
Call Me Alexis
Olivia 698d
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Kynzie Szymanski
Call Me Alexis
Kynzie Szymanski
Call Me Alexis
Kynzie Szymanski
Call Me Alexis
Kynzie Szymanski
Call Me Alexis
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You are if you think I would like you text me and me up Anthony froufrou body goals literally eat that up
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I don't see nobody calls but I see a broken wrist I think a few broken backbones cause baby you showing the ass but the ass ain't there to be in the camera it's OK though love you
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The fact that you really took your time to say that is like literally wild saying but I swear you cannot be talking about me but like loud loud the crocodile. Like, that's really not, like I rather it's not like let's not.
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Lala the crocodile bitch like I say the ass I mean there's no ass but the pan the ass next
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Fat as bitch meet me all you fucking do is eat to eat Arby's we have the meat it is when he's like but if you're so mad go cry about it thank you don't have to see if I can stalk me a reply to everything I do
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Fuck would you agree weird like fuck you Aubrey like girl you're unknown your unknown you're another dumb bitch in his whole fucking world who act like they know some shit like come on like the fucker for real I know how much are Garcia be fucking for real la They come or do I have to spell it out to you girl because if I have to spell out to you I will I'm telling you right now like shut up
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In case you want to do now this is why you get so much hate like even if someone said been wishes and good you always goes on to complain but anyways delete my message I'm blocking you because he's a bitch and I do not care bye bitch
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Nazario I got me like
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Now you ate that for real. You ate that. You really ate that.
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La la la la la drop them fucking drawls
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Yo that, that arm position is crazy but hey, what's up though, you feel me?
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No I don't feel you
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The way you holding your phone is crazy tell me
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My hand it to the bill different I'm telling ya
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Why are you holding your phone like that?
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I'm really just weird, but I'm also a bit different like my hand can do a full 360. I like literally have no bone there Well, I might, but like, I feel like I have no bone there.
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Well I mean I guess but you ugly ass I don't even start commenting because you're fat ass bitches keep on like replying like don't you I have something better to do and I keep seeing self I just keep to self
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It's not that I didn't expect comments just like one ugly bitches like you comment talking about somebody I was like why do you make like how like you're gonna look like a whole stick figure and then talk about me like a girl and go somewhere and talking about do I really think you can clearly you do care because you just reply to mom you just replied to me and clearly you care enough to do even comment in the first place like girl get off my phone you're boring
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We're back at it again girl you're still replying like come on now go to sleep find somebody else to argue with hi damn you must be that boy or like go on a walk do something or you just like leave me alone you do you but like clearly you have a problem and I'm not about to deal with your problems so go somewhere for the first time now about to say again
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Girl I can reply to whatever I want to if you have a problem with it and just say that like I'm waiting like you don't want to want to have good comments so here you go congratulations you look good OK bye
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And links second you don't want to complain who everybody else is saying they look bad like there's gonna be times like that if you want to go, say give me some good comments OK like it's not a hard like asked for it to be asking for it there's a difference
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Said that I want to good comments but bitch at least be pretty be pretty you can't be ugly ass bitch hang on another bitch like come on like P so fuck you for real like you seem like you want to argue like you're that fucking boring like I don't know how many times I have to say it bitch go on a motherfucking walk Play a boardgame with your family
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But it can be pretty pretty like girl I did not ask Nex-Tech and I literally don't care for my luxe but apparently you do and you can't except the fact that there's going to be haters out there so grow up
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No I'm not gonna say no
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Can continue this argument I I don't care I can go all day but I said what I said and I'm not sorry for that so I don't know what else you want
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At this point if you wanna be a bitch so bad post I want to be a bitch and let people talk back to you so you can argue because in a minute you're gonna be black like I'm fucking tired of your shit like like I said like I've said there's so many times I have a problem with you and if you have a problem with me just say that because clearly you keep on coming back and you keep on coming back like like do you not understand we leave me alone means like bitch are you dumb do you need like do you need more tutoring like come on
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Are you some bitch I don't want to post anything to prove my point like you wanted a cookie some people can give it to you but not all people want to suck up to you to be baby and say oh you're pretty all the time because not everybody agrees so Lego back off
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Fuck you're like a long time ago but you kept on continue talking to her so Natalie It's giving you want to talk back to her because like you haven't shut the hell up yet I see you like I got
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No it's crazy you spell awfully the same as the other white bitch maybe it's a resemblance because you're not about to randomly find me and then start talking shit I see a resemblance like bitch if you're mad just say you're mad I give you the same energy that I gave the other bitch if you're mad just say you're mad it's OK Have to do
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Bro you're literally on the for you page of this thing like you're literally in every single school of them my bitch shut the fuck up and I'm not even friends with her I don't even know her so I'm not even in for follow list you need to go check for yourself but yeah the fact that you spell that I'm trying to come up with a whole Reason to start talking to me is crazy right
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Clearly I'm good enough to be in the for you page so the fact that you're giving me this much hate when I'm on your for you page and I don't mind don't forget that I'm on your ass so my baby just do the three else look listen and leave I'm a tell all your fat bitches to look listen to leave like go suck a dick and die suicide is on your bucket list like like 23 hours it was a leave
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No Cuz Knigge I know you were talking to me because like Because I don't see no other fat bitch other than you but My bitch I didn't ask you to be on my for you page not ask you to talk on this shit but OK like I'm going to stay here and argue with a damn bitch is over here we are trying to cause drama in her thing when she pacifically asked people to hit her up and she thought
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I thought you thought you eat but if I'm so motherfucking fat Knigge's wouldn't be in my DM's honey so clearly I'm not that fat because bitches love me enough so you know I'll just put it out there like I'm not like out myself but damn bitch you thirsty for a little bit of me because like if you love me if you're upset if you wanna keep on replying just say that
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First flight on call me honey and I'm not game so yeah and watching your fucking talking to you because I can't start a whole diet I can and I will so shut up and leave me alone bitch I really didn't want to talk to you but yeah pretty much now and probably would want to talk to you after you over there trying to argue with that one girl
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