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Okay yeah tell me if I'm weird for this right now right I really feel like I like to talk to people online that I don't know rather than the people who could possibly know me in person like to mutual or whatever you get I'm trying to say that I just feel like people across the world or just way more genuine and they je be be root of the reverse to people that be in your own with fucking town the city and my tripping or is it just like maybe it's just the people around and don't like me I love this and I do know Yeah cool as fuck like I love this app I don't know Nadia
Saunas Are you a soon as I can talk to move across the world are you there anything that you got going on I only see you find what you want to show that type shit so you fucked way more
That's absolutely positively right I can talk to people online all day long but talking to people that you know it's some dumb shit maybe saying some dumb shit that's why I'm talking to people you know do you wanna talk to people online
Hey look I'm gonna give you a bit of advice listen if you feel that way with the people that's running an answer friends as you get older you only gonna have like two or three friends guaranteed just watch
And because the people you know in real life don't already know your personality, but the people are not. They never gonna know what you look like or whatever who you are unless you show them. So you could just be like that and just keep talking to you.