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So I live it on a literal cliff and it's a mobile home and we're trying to move it and can't find anyone that wants to fucking move it in today or landlord decided to move our barrier that is blocking the cliff off because it's gonna start falling into the lake so this is what my backyard looks like right now Pretty fucking stupid I'm pretty pissed surface Frank
Oh my gosh that looks so beautiful honestly at the same time yeah I would definitely be scared of my house falling over through the lake but that view is so pretty oh my goodness
I love you gorgeous the tires make it really ugly sometimes the view will be nicer but it will be really dangerous for my kids and my ass is not an actual Cliff Cliff it's technically a hill but I'm still mad about it
The biggest by the best me off is I had raspberries and stuff made it there so I hope he likes when I deduct $300 off for a laugh he goes fuck you bud Me and answer when you raspberries are
I'm with Sandra I think that it's a really pretty view there's definitely pros and cons so this I hope your landlord plans to replace that barrier or you know maybe make it more safe I don't know but until then maybe just enjoy the be
I know yeah the views grade the tires make it ugly but I got to young kids Moschino And also not to mention I'd raspberry plants planted there so I'll be ready to buy me raspberries
Yeah OK I'm gonna go with everyone once they remove the tires it'll be even prettier but then I had to put up some sort of fence to keep my kids from just jumping down the hill but they should've just let me know you know me I rent a lie you can just come my yard
I agree with Sandra and Alexis the view is gorgeous but I wonder if you could put like a non-permanent fence or something you know I hope it gets resolved
Right exactly I'm just going to get some sort of small fence it is going to be very tall also I'll figure some sort of barrier out it's just so annoying that they didn't let me know man I don't go back in peoples yards without telling them