Yo, back in the days when I was younger, I did these clippity clips. Now I'm old and soon I'm probably gonna break my hip. What up? I was going through... like, my... arthritic knuckles and hands and... scrolling through Facebook and came across old videos and... old crippled body of mine. No, I uh... I came across these, I did a bunch of these clippity clips. I had another pretty good. Um, I forgot about them. I was trying to do like a thing. I was like, oh dude, I'm gonna do it every day When I'm at the barbershop I'm gonna do one and I never did it like I should have I Don't I can't remember I'm old now, but I will you know what I'm gonna post them anyway Probably cuz you know why well The world's probably gonna blow up soon or something. It's crazy. I hear but uh, nah, I mean I love you Tell me what you think back in the days when I was young I used to do lots of stuff now some days I I wake up and I take a morning dump.