Alright, so I want to talk about this so have you all noticed like the emergence like suddenly of all these talk Profiles like they have their specific topics and they're talking about whatever the fuck so It's it's just it's a little weird to me because they all like appeared at the same time and they all have very very similar So not subscriber follower counts like they all are just like within 600 to 700 followers They follow zero people. It's all the same It's all the same and they all sound like fucking NPCs. I don't know. It's just It's fucking weird honestly and They don't respond to their comments one of them I heard that they're apparently like stealing content from somebody else I don't know there's a lot of shit that I got to get into here, but What are your thoughts on? these discussion Profiles now that are appearing Cuz I don't know I mean they're better than the fucking rate knees all the time, but It's just a little fucking weird like this is a fucking inside job shit I need to put on my tinfoil hat for this shit.