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Sell this debate America the UK do you like Americans and British feel better person I love British people British people to win the eighth pick UK cause a better fuck fuck the Americans the sock corners colonize meanwhile they colonize of the other country I'm disappointed I love Rittenhouse everyone's like that one I saw this bike fuck off fuck off America
man don't be speaking on America like that bruh i really come over to the uk and shoot yall that bitch ass with your guys let's sell this dumbass at your country our melancholy Dumbass sending those fucky bitch. Shut the fuck up when I'm talking to you, boy.
I'm not trying to argue what I would've fucked but like you're acting all tough day but we are tough here as well – will have to say bro all I Gotta say
Not gonna lie, I don't give a flying continental fuck. This isn't gonna solve shit. So let's just be bygones by bygones. Like, fucking hell. Calm down. What's the point in this? This is...
Bro bro bro it's so easy to pull a trigger yeah but you know it's not fucking easy fun talking someone down stabbing them up yeah I'm looking at them in the eyeball new Americans are no shit bro,
Keep your McDonald's to yourself, man! Shut the fuck up, bitch! Go fucking cook me a fucking sandwich up, you little fucking bitch! You're making a fucking kitchen, bitch.
It's me, Curtis Cobain from the hit song Smells Like Teen Spirit. You're really getting under the American skin. You might make one cry, you know, but you watch out.
Yeah, go on girl you could have him I'm sure you can You sound like a child he sounds like a full-women But you still try and go take him in a scrap outside fucking ass just you could do it
Okay don't say you guys cause I wasn't even alive when I will happen the soccer about the current times and don't bring up the queen of the zip it is dead ' cause she's still beautiful and having your president should taught it and we in perfect condition so how about you just be quiet and we don't care about your mouth
Y'all literally got the most crooked like the highest talk to you in the highest crime rate in guns or being there with y'all be sore fighting like shit this is not no fucking Asian time or whatever why the fuck are y'all sore fight in the middle of the street in
The races there too bro like it don't matter where you go racism is in every country so the whole fact of hating America just because it races you might as well hit every other country
Yeah I saw a video of of like you know Asian people telling a black person am I country get in my country in yelling mega I am asleep what the fuck I like Asians pica dinner like
Yeah New Orleans race is videos almost on every single country see that's why I find it stupid and somewhat retarded of people saying they hate America just because old is a lot of races bitch chart other countries which
I want to say I think I would do that kind of wrongly because when I said a man cause I'm gonna Straley white America strictly white Americans Cause Your Way, American that I've met was like super racist when we would be there we called me the N-word all that stuff so I should probably say what American city you know just American
Oh like when I was talking about that as I mainly I was talking about I call the government was mayor race is like I don't like the government a straight a real races OK I don't care what anyone says they like the American government is a extremely like I just don't like America
Alright bro listen here about um honestly I'm gonna say the UK is gay bro so y'all better shit your whole bitch ass is up cuz Queen Elizabeth's bitch ass style or her old raggedy ass bro She already needed an eyebrow, but it's alright, we smoking that little hoe.
Shut the fuck up you sound gay of a fucking drag queen an hour and honestly stop dissing on Queen Lizzie is that's honestly dead now it's been done and it's honestly not funny anymore
Because nothing says I don't give a shit like commenting underneath the pose asking you to give a shit You're literally here with us. You care. You just want to tell us you care about telling us how much you don't care here. Ironic.
She cares about is the owners how much she don't care did you skip the part where you were supposed to see care about the original post that literally just said that she cared about something else and not the original post
Me when I'm talking just to talk what what what point are you trying to make it when you taking a comment to literal the comment was made to make her feel like a dumb ass which it worked
And you sound like a fucking Twatt I'm fucking 20 tonight whatever 40 whatever the fuck you just said all right OK and you sound like a fucking middle schooler what your middle schooler has come back get a period first before you get us to be there