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What's a movie or a TV series that you think showcases an actor's talent particularly well? I think it's Jenna Rotega in Wednesday. I think that the role she played highlighted her talent and thus both the show and her became extremely popular. do you think?
I'm gonna talk about Adam Sandler cause he just won that Mark Twain award I think uncut gems portrayed his acting skills really well they kind of took his like erratic like nervous behavior from his like comedy and kind of applied that to really intense anxiety driven drama
If you liked Adam Sandler and uncut gems I would recommend watching Punch drunk love if you have an it's his first serious role that I can remember there's a little bit of comedic stuff in there but it is such a good movie
J thank you for the recommendation buddy I have seen Punch drunk love and I love it and yeah I made a great point and I'm actually really excited to see what I'm Sandler does in the future of like is I guess dramatic acting
I think a perfect example of this would be Brian Cranston as Walter White in Breaking Bad. He was known for being a comedic actor on Malcolm in the Middle and he did a complete career 180. That rule is perfection.
You know, she looked like she did devote her time to doing Wednesday and Just studying like the the past films and shit. I think she did like a really good job She almost nailed it on her head with Wednesday.
My favorite movie of all time whiplash what's his name Miles Teller and whiplash so good so fucking good just shows how devoted he is to act the role like to all